Fall to do list

25 September 2012

Photo by Inspiring the Everyday

Happy fall, friends! We spent the first official full day of the new season doing a decidedly un-fall-like activity: swimming in the Eno River. While I savored one of our perhaps last outings with a summer feel, I’m looking forward to squeezing as many cozy activities into the next two months as possible!* Here are a few on our to do list:

-– go on a trip to the mountains
-– make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins (SO good. Even if you don’t like pumpkin.)
-– catch the goat showmanship competition at the NC State Fair (yes, watching the goats and their child handlers is our very favorite activity at the Fair)
— also at the Fair: volunteer in our church’s ham biscuit booth (nope, it doesn’t get much more Southern than that!)
— buy some baby boos for the house
— make a fall crafty project
— cheer at another high school football game (we’ve already been to one!)
-– join in the sweet potato harvest at our church
— send out some secret surprises to friends
-– drink hot apple cider (my favorite)

What’s on your fall to do list?

*Why two months? I pretty much consider fall over by the time December rolls around, even though it officially lasts for most of the month!

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September 25, 2012 11:05 am

Oh boy, I had forgotten all about pumpkin chocolate chip things…now I’m thinking pumpkin chocolate chip bread is a must for this weekend! A few things on my list: hiking in the Hill Country now that the weather is cooling off a little, finding the perfect one-year anniversary gift for my best friend and her husband, and going to some nearby wineries for a girls weekend with my momma :)

September 25, 2012 11:17 am

We’re going to a Harvestfest this weekend….can’t wait! I’m also planning a small Halloween party for my daughter, Ella. One of my favorite things about fall is the cider and all the pumpkins. Looks like you have a great list planned. I’m so intrigued by the surprises you’ll do for friends. I may have to steal that one….i love surprising people!

September 25, 2012 1:04 pm

I can’t wait to go to Apple Hill this fall! But fall hasn’t quite hit us, we’re still in the Indian Summer stage unfortunately! I love the secret surprise idea…and sipping hot apple cider while sending those surprises! Mmm, you’ve given me a bunch of wonderful ideas!

September 25, 2012 8:10 pm

The goat showmanship at the Fair is such a great thing. I think I was there with you one year. But another time your written description was right on and a complete riot.