Goal setting for 2016 with PowerSheets

30 December 2015

Over the last few years, I have set goals in many different ways. For two years I’ve posted my monthly goals on the blog, I’ve completed two 101 in 1001 goal sets, I’ve worked on daily goals, and I’m in the middle of a 60 Before 30 set of goals. Surprisingly, I have never really set yearly goals, although I think that is going to change in 2016!


No matter what form my goals take, however, my goal setting process always starts ten steps back, with some serious time spent reflecting, evaluating, and refocusing on what matters most to me. Besides our celebration dinner and my annual year in review posts, my favorite tool for this is the PowerSheets. They are really thoughtfully made, and this year seamlessly guided me to come up with a cohesive picture of where I’ve come from, where I am now, and where I want to be in the future. I thought I’d share a few favorite pages from my workbook in case you’re working on your own!*


One of the first exercises you’ll come to in the PowerSheets is the “Initial Goal Ideas” page. While it might seem strange to have this so close to the front, I think of it as a release valve, giving you a space for the ideas that are likely bubbling over now that you’ve started thinking about goals. This page was actually very telling for me, as I noticed I used words like “continue” and “stay” over and over.


I’m skipping over the “what has and has not been working” pages, as we’re discussing those topics tonight and I’ll likely share more in tomorrow’s year in review post! I always love filling out the “what fires me up” page — it’s a pretty easy one for me (though some people say it’s one of the hardest!), and a good reminder of what I want to fill my year with.


I also really loved the “big picture” page this year, though it’s one I’ve struggled with in the past. The two questions that resonated with me most were, “If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?” and “Why do you want to live on purpose?”


Similarly, I also found the “my why” page more meaningful than I have in the past. The last one I wanted to share with you, though, is the “my most purposeful year” page. I do love a good mad lib :)

If you’re working through the PowerSheets, too, I’d love to hear which pages or exercises were most meaningful for you, or if there were any you got stuck on! I’ll be back tomorrow with my 2015 year in review, one of my favorite posts of the year :)

*The PowerSheets workbook is sold out for the year, but you can preorder six-month undated sheet sets, which walk you through the same steps! They will ship in the spring.

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December 31, 2015 6:25 pm

Love love love, Em! You’re going to manage motherhood so gracefully my friend.