Fall fun list

21 September 2018

I wore jeans for the first time in months yesterday, which must mean fall is on the way! (Truthfully, I jumped the gun a bit with the jeans, but that’s North Carolina in September for you.) I haven’t posted a fall fun list for a few years (my last one was in 2015, pre-kiddos!), so I thought it would be fun to share! Here’s the version we now have hanging on our fridge, ready to be checked off…

fall fun list

Bluegrass / State Fair (buy your tickets online before the 11th for a discount!) / Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins / Apple cider scones / Cozy Fall playlist

What are YOU looking forward to this fall?

P.S. Halloween prep is underway! June and John Shep are slated for coordinating costumes, and John and I potentially have roles to play, as well. They will be semi-DIY as in years past… any guesses as to what we are planning? :)

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September 21, 2018 8:10 am

Happy (almost!) fall to y’all! I am finally excited that fall is almost here, but I love savoring summertime as September winds down. And since it’s still so hot outside, it hasn’t felt a bit like fall just yet! You know how much I adore seasonal to-do lists, and I shared our fall 2018 checklist on m blog today, too! (https://stephseekingjoy.com/2018/09/21/fall-2018-to-do-list/)
One thing I’m especially excited about is enjoying our back deck and yard even more now that cooler days and evenings are on their way. We’re also planning on kicking off an inaugural chili cook-off party… Rob has a delicious secret chili recipe!

September 21, 2018 11:39 am

So fun!! Fall will be the perfect season for your deck! Rivaled only by spring and that dogwood :)

September 22, 2018 8:51 pm

How are you guys in NC with the Hurricane and all?

September 23, 2018 12:01 pm

Yes to the muffins! I’ve made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins twice so far (before fall, whoops!) and they’ve been a huge hit with the girls in my bible study! Love that they’re so easy!

Spice Cake mix, water, eggs, can of pumpkin, and chocolate chips!

September 23, 2018 9:52 pm

Well the fact you’re back IN jeans is my favorite part of this post because my 37+ weeks pregnant self cannot WAIT to get back in hers too! Love this list, friend! I’ll have to snag some inspiration from it for ours too (we’re going simple so far with 1. have a baby and 2. eat cider donuts). Ha! Xoxo

September 24, 2018 7:30 pm

I am most looking forward to our road trip to Raleigh, but there are so many other things I am excited about! I shared my full list here: https://kylamary.com/2018/09/24/my-2018-fall-fun-list/ :)