Spring fun list with a toddler

29 March 2018

I’ve mentioned a few times how excited I am for spring this year. Like, really excited. It’s finally spring, but now I need it to hurry up and feel like spring! We’ve got the longer days… now we just need the warmer temps.

I make seasonal fun lists often, but I haven’t posted a spring version since 2012! (!) Here’s my updated list for this year:

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday at Duke Chapel! Very loud hosannas!

— Dig in the dirt at our church’s community garden
— Hunt for eggs with neighborhood friends
— Pick strawberries
— Pay for the person behind us in line (our Easter Saturday tradition!)
— Play at the Museum of Life & Science
— Go to a Bulls game
— Roast s’mores in our fire pit
— Cinnamon rolls on Easter Sunday
— Visit the WRAL Azalea Garden
— Pack a picnic and eat lunch outside
— Get ice cream at Maple View
— Poke around in our neighborhood creek
— Pick blueberries
— Fly a kite (I think June will think this is SO HILARIOUS.)
— Walk downtown for beignets
— Lemonade at the Honeysuckle Tea House
— Celebrate Memorial Day
— Camp with friends
— Wade at Fews Ford
— Plant our veggie garden
— Eat dinner in our backyard (as often as possible!)
— Bring a spring favorite to our block party

Whew! The trick for turning these lists into actual memorable experiences instead of things that just sound fun on a blog? I print them out and post them on our refrigerator! That way, they’re in front of me every day, and it’s easy to make time for them. I will try to post a photo of my printed-out list on Instagram Stories later today, so stay tuned! :)

I would love to hear: what’s on your spring fun list?

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Christian H.
March 29, 2018 7:41 am

I’ve not heard of a few of these places, will need to look them up!!

One of ours is to go to the air show at Cherry Point in May.

Hope y’all have in your adventures!!!

March 29, 2018 8:11 am

It’s finally feeling like Spring, and with a high of almost 80 today – hooray!! Many of our Spring fun list items overlap, and we’ve had fun beginning to check them off – and have plans to do many more over the next week!

I shared my whole list (6th annual!) here: https://stephseekingjoy.com/2018/03/20/spring-2018-to-do-list/

Kelly Strawberry
March 29, 2018 4:40 pm

I went to Pullen Park a couple weekends ago on a nice day and I think that’s my new go-to spot for this Spring. I can’t get over how reasonably priced everything is! $1/ticket seems like a steal these days.

March 31, 2018 7:16 am

Wish we lived closer to enjoy some of these fun adventures with you! :)

April 2, 2018 11:16 pm
Reply to  Rhiannon

That would be so fun!!

April 1, 2018 3:25 pm

Where I’m from, there is a Tulip Festival every year during Spring and I want to make a goal of going this year! I’ve never been and I LOVE Tulips!!

April 2, 2018 11:17 pm
Reply to  Ashley Ziegler

Oooh, that sounds beautiful! My Mom went to a pick-your-own tulip farm last year and I wanted to go with her so badly!

April 2, 2018 2:14 pm

What a fun list! Enjoy Em x