September 2019 goals

2 September 2019

If you’re reading this, it means we survived (and hopefully thrived!) in our first outnumbered camping trip!

After taking an unintended break with my July goals, I was on fire in August. Our biggest goal was to bike three times a week in prep for our MS 125 ride, and though it took sacrifice and buckets of patience on the part of our kids, we did it!! The ride is this weekend, and I’m honestly so excited. It’s the culmination of a huge 2019 goal for me, and a big stretch beyond my comfort zone. I am giddy thinking about riding across the finish line with John on Sunday!

More to look forward to this month…

matching grandparents

They planned it :)

On my calendar this month:
— A work trip to the mountains
— The second Lilly for Target collection launches! September 14th – start your engines.
— June begins parks and rec ballet again

What I’m loving right now:
— I just ordered this dress and am thinking I might wear it for our fall family photos. Anticipating that the neckline might be a bit too low but hoping a seamstress can easily adjust it if necessary! Also ordered this and this.
This canvas just arrived at our house – I think it will go in Shep’s room, as it’s what I sing to him each night. One of the best ways you can support Lindsay’s family right now is to pray, and purchase something from her shop (and of course, there are so many beautiful options).
This cottage is on the island next to ours, and it’s what our family cottages might look like if they were fancy! :)

What I read in August:
After You: I read Me Before You several years ago, and this was an enjoyable sequel. (It’s the book I took home from my swap!)

Revisiting my August goals:
Ride bikes 3 times a week in prep for the MS ride (Yes!! This was our biggest goal and it took careful planning and sacrifice, but we did it!)
Send out a fundraising email to family + friends (Done! Still a few more days to donate here, if you’d like! :))
Edit June in June, Volume 4 (Not yet… one of the things that got sacrificed! I have chosen a song, though!)
Choose a standing lamp for behind one chair (This one!)
Book Asheville accommodations and October flights
Bring June to Sunday School for the first time (She has been talking about how “God never leaves us” ever since! :))
Plan and carry off Shep’s first birthday party (Yes! It was so good! Way better than June’s third birthday, ha!)

September goals:
— Celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary (and read a book about marriage)
— Complete the MS 125!
— Finish culling and sorting iPhone photos from 2005-2012
— Hang (and buy) living room curtains
— Film Sheptember, Volume 1
— Edit June in June, Volume 4
— Ride our bikes once a week
— Bake apple cider scones for June’s teachers on the first day of fall (a tradition we started three years ago!)

In honor of our anniversary, I thought it might be fun to answer some marriage- or relationship-related questions with John in an upcoming post. (Lisa did this and I loved reading it!) So, if you have a question for either or both of us, leave them below! I’ll also plan to put a sticky in Instagram stories soon!

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September 2, 2019 8:35 am

So satisfying to cross that much off the list! Good luck this weekend! I just read Still Me, the third book in that series, and really enjoyed it!

September 2, 2019 9:27 pm

Sounds like your month will be fun and full! My question is: what do you do when you feel like being alone/introverted, both as a spouse and as a parent?

September 3, 2019 2:16 pm

Seven years!! Feels like I was just stalking your wedding photos yesterday ;)

One of my favorite questions to hear other couples answer is what random/trivial things do you argue about most often?

Kelly Strawberry
September 5, 2019 12:01 pm

What’s the best gift your spouse has ever given you? What about your spouse makes you the most proud? What’s your favorite trip you’ve taken together?

September 22, 2019 3:25 pm

YAY for anniversary month – ours is next week :)
How is September almost over?! x

I posted my goals here: