March 2015 Goals

2 March 2015

Hello, friends! I am 28! I kept saying to John last week, I need to write something for the blog about my birthday! I’ve done so in the past (here and here, for example), and it seems right to mark the occasion somehow. But this year… I don’t know! There just wasn’t anything I wanted to say. So I didn’t. My really, really wonderful coworker friends wrote this for me, and it made me tear up. John and I started Saturday with brunch at Monuts, ate a “lunch” of gelato at Whole Foods, and finished the day with pimento cheese and macaroni au gratin (and a few leafier things) at Poole’s Diner. (Best macaroni and cheese I’ve ever had, hands down.) We ended the evening by re-watching the fourth Harry Potter movie while snuggled on the couch with our two furry friends.


Sleeping friends from earlier in the week…

And now it’s on to another year and another month of goals – and a very busy one at that. My March will include: one five-night trip to New York City, one speaking engagement (nervous nervous nervous), one two-night camping trip, one four-night trip to Texas, hosting one baby shower, and one two-day conference at work. Whew!! With all that in mind, I’m trying to keep everything else low key.

Goals for March:
— Touch up paint on our front door (hold-over from February!)
— Add a bench to our foyer
— Frame and hang more art downstairs
— Add cafe curtains in the dining room
— Finish planning and host a really wonderful shower!

Despite wanting to stay low key I feel like these goals are VERY ambitious for this month of travel, so we will see how well I do! If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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March 2, 2015 7:41 am

It sounds like you had a very relaxing birthday and snuggling with the kitties is not a bad way to spend time either–I do that very often with my own fur baby. :) I absolutely LOVE your blog (and it inspired me to start my own). You definitely have a busy upcoming month. I was wondering, though, what is your speaking engagement this month? Based on your posts here, as well as with Southern Weddings, I am sure you will do great. :)

March 2, 2015 9:08 am

Your birthday celebration sounded absolutely perfect! Welcome to 28, my friend :) So excited to see where this year takes you!

March 2, 2015 9:32 am

Happy birthday lovely lady x

March 2, 2015 10:24 am

It sounds like your birthday was filled with lots of marvelous things!! And I know you will do an incredible job speaking later this month; best of luck with it (and all your others travels!). My March goals are here –

March 2, 2015 2:56 pm

So many exciting trips planned! I shared my goals here today :)

March 2, 2015 5:25 pm


Hosting showers is one of my favorite things- I’m sure yours will be a beautiful celebration! XO

March 2, 2015 7:42 pm

Cuddling with kitties — that’s a good thing.

March 5, 2015 2:52 pm

Happy birthday Em. I had to google “golden birthday”. Thank you, and the SW ladies, for teaching me a new term!

March 5, 2015 10:56 pm

Happy Birthday! Your March sounds wonderfully busy. My March goals are posted here:

March 8, 2015 1:21 pm

Happy birthday Emily!!!

May 16, 2015 12:02 pm

Love your blog! I stumbled across it today while perusing the internet. I live in Beaufort, SC and see that you have visited here. I agree – it’s a lovely place! Anyway, when I saw the picture above this post, I had to comment and ask – where did you purchase your bedspread? I love it!