Happy weekend!

3 September 2010

{via flickr}

Happy weekend, friends! It’s been a busy, tiring week at work (though exciting!), and I’m looking forward to a relaxing long weekend. J and I have plans to read by the pool (I’ll probably take either this or this to try and make a little more progress on my 101, as September 28 is rapidly approaching!), visit the farmer’s market, hang a few more photos, and work in our church’s community garden. I’m also excited to finally have a chance to wend my way through all the back issues of Lonny, something I never had a chance to do in all the wedding hustle. I’ve heard so many good things, though, and I’m ready to dig in!

What are your plans?

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September 8, 2010 12:23 pm

Hey, whose legs are those? I think I recognize them… — RCA