Mid-year goals review

14 June 2017

Well this is something different! I’ve never written a post checking in on my yearly goals midway through the year, but I did an Instagram story yesterday sharing some of the progress I’ve made, and thought it might make a good blog post, too!

To recap, I set four focal areas for 2017 with the help of my PowerSheets. I’ve chipped away at them with specific, smaller goals each month, many of which I’ve shared with you in my monthly goal updates! Much of this should sound familiar to frequent visitors :)

Focal area no. 1: Become a woman of prayer
Progress I’ve made: The biggest and best change we’ve made is to offer impromptu prayer at dinner and other meals instead of a standard blessing. John and I switch off days. For two people who did not grow up praying out loud, this has been a great way to get more comfortable with the practice and warm up to teaching June more about prayer as she gets older. I’ve also read several books about prayer, bought a prayer journal (though I haven’t used it yet), and bought a new Bible that I love.
What I hope to accomplish in the next six months: I would really like to try out a new devotional (I have heard great things about Streams in the Desert), establish a morning rhythm of prayer, give Bill Hybels’ prayer journaling practice a try, fill out my prayer journal, and begin praying with June before bed.

Focal area no. 2: Love my loved ones well
Progress I’ve made: The best thing I’ve done for this goal is to institute monthly prep days. When I thought about what had stopped me in the past from doing kind and fun things for the people I love, it wasn’t a lack of money or time, it was a lack of preparation, and my prep days have been a game changer. I’ve also hosted a Favorite Things party, made several neighborhood friends, restocked my card supply, and put our surprise birthday trips in motion.
What I hope to accomplish in the next six months: I’ve got a lot more work to do on my surprise trip for John, to start!

Focal area no. 3: Cultivate a rich life for my family
Progress I’ve made: We completed our backyard renovation! It was a huge project and an expensive one, but we have relished having a beautiful space to be together outside. We’ve also finished our wills and had them notorized, we went camping, we picked strawberries three times, and I’ve read 16 books!
What I hope to accomplish in the next six months: Everything on our summer fun list! I’m looking forward to building more community on our street, to our annual pumpkin carving party, to epic road trips to visit family this summer, to more Life & Science visits, and to more holidays with June!

Focal area no. 4: Live fit
Progress I’ve made: I am a student of ballet once again! I also wear a FitBit daily and challenge myself to get 10,000 steps. I’ve been experimenting with short at-home fitness videos, something I’ve never really tried before.
What I hope to accomplish in the next six months: I would love to spend more time stretching before bed. I’d like to hit 10k steps more days than not each week. And I would really love to get back into a rhythm of a neighborhood walk each night.

How about you, friends? Are your goals for the year still going strong, or have they changed?

P.S. If you’re looking for help with goal setting and achieving, the PowerSheets I use are on sale this week for $25. A little birdie told me there are only a few hundred left, and since they’re selling at a rate of a few hundred a day, that stock won’t last long!

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Victoria Strader
June 14, 2017 10:50 am

I love all of your goals so much.. and your progress is inspiring, friend! XO

June 15, 2017 5:19 pm

Thank you so much, friend!! It’s amazing what can happen in a few months with little-by-little progress!

June 14, 2017 11:23 am

We’ve been doing yoga together as a family most mornings, and it’s been a great addition to our routine. And good for our mind and body. Our 18 month old is even great at joining in- she does a great down dog. We use a ‘free’ youtube channel – yoga with Tim. I think he had a bedtime routine if you want to try for bedtime stretching!

June 14, 2017 4:44 pm

Yay, you’re making so much progress! I am so pumped about July 1 now as my new January 1. I always love a fresh start to review progress and update goals!

Kelly Strawberry
June 15, 2017 9:26 am

Love your goals. I definitely need to improve and prep for things such as gifts, cards, and loving people well!

A family friend gave my husband the “Streams in the Desert” devotional a few years ago and he wrote a little message in the front that it had made a huge impact in his life during difficult times. I now need to go hunt down that book…I had forgotten all about it until this blog post. My husband probably stuck it in his office somewhere and has forgotten about it.

Great seeing you this week at Articles Club!!

June 15, 2017 5:21 pm

So glad to hear another thumbs up for it! Erin Napier has mentioned it many times, always in glowing terms, so that’s where I first got intrigued.

June 15, 2017 9:45 am

Love this post. What is Bill Hybels journaling practice
Thanks for sharing

Victoria B
June 15, 2017 7:14 pm

I just love these focus areas and the progress you have made! This is the best example of Power Sheets use and progress I have read! You definitely should share it in the FB group if you haven’t already!