Charleston: Video!

3 September 2011

Charleston from Emily Ayer on Vimeo.

And here it is: the video John and I made from our trip! I hope you enjoy, and I hope you enjoyed this week’s Charleston picture tour!

Next week? Back to all weddings + pretties, all the time. Can’t wait to share!

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Anna M
September 3, 2011 11:18 pm

Looks so fun! And you got to see dolphins! :)

September 5, 2011 2:28 am

Awesome video!! Definitely need to add Charleston to my list of places to visit :)

September 5, 2011 8:45 pm

Ah I love that song! I actually have been meaning to send it to you because I thought you and John would love it, but as usual you two find the good music way before I tell you about it :) Great video – looked like a fun trip!