Haw River rock hop

10 October 2011

We had such a lovely weekend! The weather was perfect, and we spent a lot of time out on our balcony while I primed and sanded our side chairs. Here’s what they look like now — just waiting for the perfect paint color!

Luckily, I had a helper:

We also did what I’m calling a “rock hop” on the Haw River. Basically, we hopped from rock to rock for about an hour and a half (and tried not to fall in). It was actually a really good workout — lots of balancing and leaping! And the weather was so beautiful!

For those of you in the Raleigh area that want to visit (there are trails, too — you don’t have to walk ON the river), the best place to park is off of Route 64 West. Follow 64 past Jordan Lake. After you cross a bridge over the Haw River, take the first left across the road, then another immediate left, and you’ll find parking for canoe access.

How was your weekend? :)

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Nancy Ray
October 17, 2011 3:27 pm

I vote that me, you, John and Will all go camping soon. These hiking photos are making me want to get away! Glad you guys had fun!