October 2018 goals

1 October 2018

Gosh, I don’t even really know what to tell you about this month! Perhaps the most exciting thing to say is… IT’S THE MONTH MY SISTER MOVES TO NORTH CAROLINA! Yes! I never in a million years thought I’d get to type that sentence, but here we are. Kate’s husband starts a new job near Charlotte tomorrow, and the rest of the crew will be here, in their new home, before the end of the month. This will be the closest we’ve lived to immediate family since we moved South, and to say we are excited and grateful is an understatement.

Though that is by far the most exciting thing happening in October, it’s certainly not the only one. Between travels, visitors, events, and my return to work (for the biggest CWM week of the year, no less!), there’s a lot going on. I’m here for all of it :)

Exploring after Hurricane Florence

On my calendar this month:
— The NC State Fair (biscuits, goat showmanship, and giant slide, here we come!)
— The sixth annual pumpkins and soup party
— The third anniversary of Articles Club!!
— A trip to Asheville with my younger sister
— Our dear college friend’s wedding in New Hampshire – our first time flying as a family of four!

What I’m loving right now:
— I have made several batches of these power balls since Shep arrived – so delicious, especially with some of the chocolate chips subbed in for cinnamon chips!
— How big of a nerd are you if you watched the Jeopardy! All Star Games live draft? Asking for a friend :) But really, it was so fun — counting down until February!!
This article was a great reminder of what matters most. I thought the part on beauty was particularly interesting.

What I read in September:
Sacred Marriage: The first half of this book seemed a little more focused on troubled or difficult marriages, but I appreciated the reminder of the importance of sacrifice and service toward our spouses!
The Book of Essie: Blew through this one in two days because I couldn’t put it down.

Revisiting my goals for September:
Start every day on my knees in a short prayer, offering my day to God (Did not do this perfectly, but the goal served its purpose and it was so good. I felt it on the days I did it and on the days I did not.)
Sort and price all clothes for my favorite consignment sale
Make an itinerary and reservations for our upcoming trip to Asheville
Bake apple cider scones for June’s teachers on the first day of fall (Sweet girl!)
Cull and edit all 2018 iPhone photos (Done!! The progress is slow but so gratifying!)
Experiment with listing a few things on Poshmark (Done! I even sold something, ha! You can shop the rest here, if you’d like!)
Do something to welcome our new neighbors (We introduced ourselves to them, so I’m counting that as a win :))

October goals:
— Prepare well for returning to work
— Frame new family photos for Shep and June’s rooms
— Host a pumpkin painting workshop, with proceeds going to Hurricane Florence relief (if you’re local and would like to come, register here!)
— Watch Won’t You Be My Neighbor? on Amazon
— Order supplies and finish Halloween costumes
— Take down June’s pelmet and replace with curtains, creating a reading corner
— Order our Christmas cards (using newborn photos!)
— Work on Shep’s baby book and update June’s
— Clean out our coat closet and donate anything we no longer need
— Organize June’s art supplies (they are a HOT MESS right now)

Question for you all: I know this might seem early, but I’m curious whether you’d like to see gift guides on the blog in November? If so, what categories/price points/recipients/etc. would be most helpful for you? Let me know what you think!

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October 1, 2018 6:54 am

YAY for Kate and crew moving to NC!!! That’s so exciting!!

My vote is a yes for gift guides in November, and honestly, I just love your suggestions and don’t care too much about the how they’re organized, whether by recipient or by color :) I have almost always bought something from your lists for gents and kiddos though, if that helps!

October 1, 2018 7:36 am

Hi Em,
So much going on! Sounds like you are doing really well!
I’d love to see the gift guides early because I like the idea of getting shopping done in November – and using Black Friday well and savoring December. I do worry about overbuying if I start early…have to keep a good record I guess…
Thank you so much for being so organized!

October 1, 2018 9:14 am

This farm girl is excited to see goat showmanship make the list of your favorite things about the fair! It’s encouraging to us that people are still excited to see the animals. While you’re over at the Expo Center, check out the milking booth hosted by the Animal Science Club at NC State. I’m a past officer in the club and the cows are a hit for kids and adults alike (:

Kelly Strawberry
October 1, 2018 10:27 am

I read Sacred Marriage in September, too! Overall, I didn’t gain much from it, but not bad. Adding Book of Essie to my reading list!

Also just made a batch of the energy balls last night, so funny to see you mention them this morning! Pretty tasty, and my son ate two this morning. I mainly wanted to make them as a snack for him…he’s fairly picky, so I told him it was cookie dough. ;)

October 1, 2018 11:42 am

I can’t wait to hear what you think of Won’t You Be My Neighbor. I think you’re going to LOVE it! I did… cried a few times and it made me want to watch his show. :)

October 1, 2018 2:04 pm

A big yay for having your sister close by! There is nothing better than having family near.

Though I love reading your blog, I don’t comment often, but since you asked: I am so appreciative of gift guides published early. I’m Jewish and Hanukkah often falls much earlier than Christmas (it begins on Dec 3rd this year), so many gift guides come too late and leave me scrambling. And even if most of your readership celebrates Christmas, who doesn’t like having all of their shopping done early? :)

October 1, 2018 4:09 pm

Add me to the yes column for gift guides in November! For the past few years I have done all my shopping before December, and it really lets me focus on the season. If you have ideas for parents (like parents of 20-30 somethings) I’d gobble that up!! I think you did one last year and it was SO helpful. We typically stick to a $75 limit for immediate family, but we often split that up into a few smaller gifts so there’s more to open!

October 3, 2018 11:31 am
Reply to  Em

Agreed! They always say that “they don’t need anything.” So frustrating!
My friends just gave their dad the blowup/waving man that you see in car parking lots for his birthday…so there’s an idea, lol.

October 2, 2018 6:28 am

I love your monthly and seasonal goal posts! I’ve been creating seasonal bucket lists with my boyfriend/now husband for a few years, but you’ve inspired me to think about monthly goals, too! I recently moved down South to the Triangle and discovered your blog, and it’s my new favorite read! I can relate so much to your older homesick posts, and I’ve taken copious notes on your recommendations for things to do in this area! :)

October 2, 2018 4:24 pm

Won’t You Be My Neighbour? is a fantastic movie – and very moving. Great reminder about what’s important in life! I saw it a while ago at a documentary festival and got to hear the director speak about creating the movie. It was really interesting to hear about how he built relationships with the family — and how they wanted the movie to be about the message, not the man. Anyways, I’ll stop now so I don’t get into spoilers! Can’t wait to hear your take on it!

And yes please to gift guides early! :)

October 2, 2018 11:13 pm

That Medium piece on 90-somethings was lovely; thank you for sharing.

Good luck with your return to work!

October 3, 2018 10:42 am

Hooray for your sister moving to NC! That is going to be so sweet to have family close by! :)

If y’all need anything during your trip to NH, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am the designated airport ride girl for my friends and would be happy to help you if needed! How fun that you are coming to NH this month and I am coming to NC next month! :)

October 9, 2018 5:39 pm

So excited to see you, soon! Taking a little mental break from wedding things and catching up on your blog is always a favorite pastime of mine. <3