Em loves you: A Christmas giveaway

14 December 2012

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Jessica @ The Jessentials!

I do! I really do love y’all! And as a special thank you from me to you in this season of giving, I am happily offering up the chance for one of you to win one of my very favorite things (Oprah style).

John and I have amassed MANY beloved shows over the years, including The Office, 24, The Amazing Race, Downton Abbey, Survivor, and, of course, LOST. The show that has undoubtedly most captured our hearts, though, is Friday Night Lights.

Y’all, this show. From the first episode, I guarantee you’ll fall in love with the residents of Dillon, Texas. And if you’re anything like us, Tami, Coach, Julie, Riggins, Lila, Smash, Matt, and Tyra will practically become members of your family. Seriously — a year after we’ve finished the series, we’re STILL known to have extensive discussions about their respective life choices.

A few more reasons why I love Friday Night Lights…

Tami Taylor. Smart, sassy, always knows what to say, loves her man. Inspired me to buy cowboy boots. As my bio says, I want to be her when I grow up.

Coach. LOVE Coach. I find him hilarious, and tear up any time he has a sensitive scene with one of the players.

Coach and Tami’s relationship. It’s said that Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler insisted it be written into their contracts that Tami and Coach would never have an affair, since they didn’t believe that would be compatible with their characters’, well, characters. Their marriage on the show is not perfect, but it is real, and loving, and inspiring. Tami and Coach are consistently played to perfection and are the show’s anchor and heart, in my opinion.

Emotional realism. Friday Night Lights is very real. It doesn’t try to preach. It just tells the story of these people as their lives intertwine, evolve, and separate again in a way that feels so true.

Riggins. That is all.

The football. Yes, the football! Before this show, I knew next to nothing about the sport, and though I still don’t know that much, I enjoy watching it now, and John and I have even ventured out to some Friday night high school games in our area just for fun :)

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. This has become a daily saying in our household, usually accompanied by a fist bump.

Friday Night Lights giveaway

So yes, we love Friday Night Lights. If you love this show, too, then you know what I’m talking about. And if you’ve yet to be exposed to the wonder that is FNL, I’m excited for you to begin the journey!!

To be entered to win the complete series on DVD, just leave a comment below. If you’ve watched some of the show, then please tell me who your favorite character is and why he or she is your favorite. If you’ve yet to watch an episode, then list a few of your favorite TV shows. Try not to include any spoilers for the benefit of any newbies who might be reading!

I’ll draw a random winner on Friday, December 21.

Much love to you all!

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Jessica @ The Jessentials!

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Laurie Gwin
December 14, 2012 7:54 am

I’m in. I haven’t watched this series but I have heard great things about it. Shows that I have watched in their entirety include Buffy the Vampire Slayer (great memories of a family obsession while our daughter was in high school), The Sopranos, In Treatment, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad (a guilty pleasure), Treme (loving it and still working on Season 2), The Good Wife and my latest must see…Chicago Fire (totally because I know someone in the cast).

I will happily add my name to the drawing. Thanks for doing this.

December 14, 2012 8:40 am

Hi Em! I’ve never watched “Friday Night Lights,” but it’s funny that you posted this because I’ve been thinking about starting. I love shows with heart, which I feel FNL must have in spade. For that same reason, “Gilmore Girls” is my favorite show of.all.time. Rory, Lorelai, Luke…gah! I can’t get enough. I’m also a faithful watcher of “Modern Family” and “Parenthood,” but I’m excited to start watching a new series! Have a great weekend!

December 14, 2012 8:53 am

I’ve watched the whole series so I’m not entering but I wanted to chime in on how much I LOVE this show too! There’s a little something for everyone – you’ll find yourself watching episode after episode! (Don’t rush it though – it’s too good to waste!)

December 14, 2012 8:57 am

Yay! I got about 2/3rds of the way through the first season when Netflix changed their plans and now we don’t get streaming any more – yes, I realize I could get the DVDs but it would be so much easier to just OWN it….

Alyssa S.
December 14, 2012 9:11 am

Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows! When I studied abroad in Geneva, Switzerland my southern roommate (from NC!) and I watched so many FNL episodes, we both contracted viruses on our computers from the sketchy websites we had to enter to find the show! Our favorite character, of course, was Tim Riggins but I have not-too-secretly wanted to marry Matt Saracen from the beginning. Like Em, my goal is to be Ms. Tami Taylor. Here’s hoping!

Ash V
December 14, 2012 9:31 am

I’ve not watched any of it, but I’m always hearing good things! My all time favorite show is Gilmore Girls, like Carly up there. For reals. I run the series on repeat. All the time. Second favorite show of all time? Lost. I constantly have discussions with a co-worker about the awesomeness of Lost and Alias.

December 14, 2012 9:39 am

Have heard so many good things about this show! Would love to have a show to watch now that Amazing Race is over!

December 14, 2012 9:42 am

Most definitely Tami Taylor! I agree that she’s so wonderful. I love how southern and sassy she is! My husband and I watched the first season on Netflix but haven’t seen the rest. It’s SO good and reminds me of my wonderful high school in the south.

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

December 14, 2012 9:52 am

We are big fans of Friday Night Lights and were actually just discussing about re-watching again! Trying to pick a favorite character is way too hard. I love Coach, Tami, Matt, and Rigs. I think I’ll go with Rigs because of his big ol’ heart. Love that guy.

December 14, 2012 10:38 am

I’ve only seen season 1, and feel like a kid in a candy store at the thought of 4 more to go! Coach Taylor reminds me so much of my own dad, and I definitely aspire to be more like Tami T!

Great giveaway!

December 14, 2012 10:43 am

LOVE Friday Night Lights! It’s my all time favorite show. Tami Taylor has to be my favorite character, love her!

December 14, 2012 11:01 am

this is one of my favorite shows, and when my husband I were first dating long distance, we both watched it. My TWO favorite characters are Coach and Tami Taylor – I hope my marriage can be like theirs!

December 14, 2012 11:08 am

Haven’t seen the show but have heard awesome things and would loooove to win the set! With a new baby at home, we have more date nights in than out and I think this is a show the mr and I could both love!!

December 14, 2012 11:17 am

Love love love Friday Night Lights!! It’s a tie between Tami and Coach between for favorite character. There is definitely something about the show that makes you talk about the characters like part of the family… so great.

December 14, 2012 12:12 pm

YES! I love hearing others rave about this fantastic show.

Tami is my favorite. LOVE HER. But also Riggens, in this wounded and special way.

December 14, 2012 12:25 pm

Just the best show. So real, you just feel so attached to all the characters. Riggins is my favourite ultimately, but so hard to choose!!

December 14, 2012 1:19 pm

Oh how I love this show.

What I love most about it is that even all the way to the end it held my attention. I loved Smash and Riggins as much as I loved Vince and Luke in the last seasons. The way the show so gracefully moved from one group to the next was amazing.

And you’re right, Coach and Tami are the best TV couple ever. Ever.

December 14, 2012 3:01 pm

With such rave reviews of the series, even if I don’t win, I still want to watch this show!

December 14, 2012 5:01 pm

Ive never watched it, but it does sound like something I actually might enjoy!

December 14, 2012 5:59 pm

I’ve only watched the first season, but I love it! Tami is the best, obviously.

December 14, 2012 9:26 pm

My facebook is constantly blowing up with a Wheaton grad who ran a podcast about the show and interviewed some of the actors often. Her passion for the show makes me want to watch it! And of course, I do love sports movies, so maybe I’ll find my new favorite tv show!

December 14, 2012 11:00 pm

Love love love Friday Night Lights! My now fiance and I actually saw the Movie version of FNL on our first date, 8 years ago in high school!
On the show, Tami is definitely my favorite character!

December 15, 2012 12:37 am

I’ve never seen Friday Night Lights, despite many recommendations! My own-the-entire-series favorites include West Wing, Gilmore Girls, and Bones.

December 15, 2012 9:55 am

I’m in! I only feel it fitting seeing as y’all are the ones that got me hooked in the first place. Maybe this year I can actually get through the 4th season??

Meg M
December 15, 2012 10:18 am

I have heard from so many people who have impeccable taste (including you, of course!) that Friday Night Lights is amazing and addictive. I’m ready to jump on the bandwagon!

December 15, 2012 11:20 am

Ooh, thank you; what a great idea! I’ve never seen Friday Night Lights, mostly because I’ve been “saving it” for when I graduate grad school and won’t feel guilty about watching episode after episode. A few of my favorite TV shows are Downton Abbey (is it January, yet?), HBO Girls, LOST, Giuliana & Bill and Modern Family. Merry Christmas!

December 15, 2012 1:52 pm

Oh my goodness, so funny that this is your giveaway because I just started watching this show not two weeks ago! Obviously, I fell in love instantly. You know a show is wonderful when you can forge a personal connection with each character, to the point that it feels like you’re just another resident of little Dillon, TX. I do love Tami – not only is she played by the great Connie Britton, but she’s such a pure, kind soul. I also can’t help but love that she’s this morally grounded, strong, independent woman… and I can only hope one day to have a marriage as great as her and Coach’s (they are possibly the best couple EVER). But I have a very special place in my heart for Tim Riggins. His situation and story have an air of melancholy, so his actions and demeanor are almost justified. Almost. But I also have an affinity for what my friends and family have not-so-affectionately called “projects” for years.

But the thing that is most special about this show for me is that this is something that me and my wonderful (non-project!!!) boyfriend enjoy doing together. He discovered the show a couple months ago and became instantly addicted to it, claiming it to be “his life story.” I thought he was crazy, of course, but then I started watching it. He too came from a little town in Texas called Brazoria, where football was the only way of life. He was starting quarterback on his high school’s varsity team for his junior and senior years, and was one of the few “lucky ones” to leave his town and, although he didn’t make it to the NFL, he does play quarterback on his company’s football team in Fort Carson, Colorado. Since we’re in a LDR, we have become accustomed to what we call “cyber-dates,” which usually consists of watching the same movie at the same time while videochatting, but has consisted of watching Friday Night Lights together as of late. I especially enjoy this because things that happen in the show remind him of stories from his childhood and high school years, and it’s always fun to learn new things about each other and hear about a way of life that is completely different than the way I grew up.

In any case, I think this show is just wonderful and even if I’m not the winner, you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be watching the rest of the series anyways! Whoever wins this box set will be one lucky duck =]

December 15, 2012 2:37 pm

I’d love to win this! I’ve heard so many good things about this series! :)

December 15, 2012 3:30 pm

So obviously we both have major girl crushes on Tami Taylor (for obvious reasons), but I’m surprisingly going to comment on my favorite thing about Riggins this time around.

I can hate Riggins one second and love him the next. His character was brilliantly written and so well played. There are nuances about his character that make him so believable, but one of my favorite things about him is the fact that he has nicknames for everyone – “Street” and “Becks” for example. Will and I are halfway through season 5 (I think at this point we are drawing it out as long as possible because we don’t want it to end), and I am anxiously waiting to see how the story ends for Riggins in particular.

Aaah such a good show! You’ve rekindled my love!

December 15, 2012 3:53 pm

I am right there with you on wanting to be Tammy Taylor when I grow up! I love this show and would love to be able to watch it over and over and over.

December 16, 2012 6:23 am

Ive never watched this show, but your description sounds really cool!
I’m currently watching How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who (Yay for David Tennant!).

December 16, 2012 12:51 pm

YES! FNL is amazing. SEnding you lot of Riggins love. Adore your blog!

December 16, 2012 7:23 pm

I have never seen Friday Night Lights, but it is definitely on my series to watch list, especially after falling in love with Connie Britton on Nashville. ;)

I love Gossip Girl, SATC, Homeland, and am hoping to start Downton Abbey over break.

December 16, 2012 10:43 pm

Oh favorite TV Show ever was Ed (the bowling alley lawyer) but my husband and I love to watch Modern Family and the Amazing Race!

December 17, 2012 8:01 am

Hi Em! I have only watched a few episodes of this show with my sister while she was watching it, all I remember is being sucked in after just watching one episode! It definitely would be a fun one to pick up again! My favorite show is The Office, and I have recently started watching The Mindy Project, which is hilarious!

December 17, 2012 9:06 am

Oh goodness, Em. This series has always been on my ‘I think I want to watch’ list. Based on your glowing recommendation, I am adding it to the must watch list for 2013 (note: I think I want to add Homeland & Downtown Abbey to this list. Would love to get your feedback on either of these shows). What a fun Christmas giveaway…

As for TV shows, it is a known fact that there is a lot of sporting events watched in our house but we manage to sneak in a few shows every now and then – Currently on the DVR: Covert Affairs and I have fallen for a few of the ABC TV dramas (Ahem, Revenge & Scandal. Definite guilty pleasures…)

December 17, 2012 9:53 am

Ohh I would love this! I haven’t seen an episode yet, but I have been dying to watch! I watch Nashville (major guilty pleasure) because I love Connie Britton so much, so I need to watch Friday Night Lights….plus Kyle Chandler is so dang cute.

December 17, 2012 12:52 pm

Love this show! Honestly, this is one of those shows where you even love characters you want to hate, so choosing a favorite is too hard.

Meg S
December 17, 2012 1:48 pm

I’ve never seen this but it’s been on my list for far too long! Some of my favorite shows are Veronica Mars and Dexter. I’m watching The Wire right now too and it’s amazing!

December 17, 2012 1:49 pm

MAN – this is just the giveaway for me. Corey’s friend keeps telling us to start watching it and we just haven’t yet, but we are both DYING to! Some of my favorite shows are – Downton Abbey, The Office, Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy, New Girl, Happy Endings, True Blood, Revenge, The Walking Dead, Girls… ok there’s more but I’ll stop. I have a tv addiction.

December 17, 2012 5:02 pm

Riggins. Need I say more? This show is literally perfection and I was seriously heartbroken when it ended. OBSESSED!

December 17, 2012 6:16 pm

TEXAS FOREVER!!!! I LOVE this show and I would LOVE to go through it with Steven. Being a new Texan myself, this show is definitely hitting home (part of the actual movie, FNL was filmed right here at Tacosa High School in Amarillo!). I have to admit that my favorite character is Tim Riggins. I’d rock a Dillon Panther “#33” tshirt in a heartbeat, too! I’d say he’s my favorite because of how he grows as a person throughout the show. I find him to be endearing, yet it’s always entertaining when he has a choice to make. With that being said, sometimes they’re bad choices and sometimes they’re good ones! He keeps it interesting! His southern drawl is spot on, too.

LOVE this giveaway and hope to see you soon, Em!!! Merry Christmas!

December 18, 2012 7:12 pm

I’ve never watched Friday Night Lights but I’ve always wanted to get into it after hearing great things. Some of my favorite shows are Dexter, Breaking Bad, Homeland and THE OC (classic…)

December 18, 2012 11:53 pm

Oh my goodness. This would be the best Christmas gift!

So hard to decide between Tami and Riggins, but if I had to choose just one favorite it would have to be Mrs. Tami Taylor. She’s strong and isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in, but is also kind and able to bite her tongue when it just won’t be productive to say anything. She’s such a wonderful example of what it means to be a mother, wife, and friend all at the same time.

December 19, 2012 1:59 pm

Riggins. That is all. <—- love this!!!

My husband and I watched the entire series on Netflix within a month earlier this year and needless to say we LOVED it. We talk all the time about how much we miss it and are considering starting over from the beginning. Such an excellent show and I love it for all of the reasons you listed above and more!! :)

December 20, 2012 1:14 pm

I have always wanted to watch this show!!!

December 20, 2012 9:17 pm

Am I the only guy besides John who likes this show..? Haha.

Kathryn F.
December 21, 2012 12:37 am

Ooh how fun! I’ve never watched it but my friends love it. My favorite shows currently on TV are Don’t Trust the B and New Girl, but if we’re talking classics, Arrested Development and Veronica Mars all the way! Thanks for the giveaway!