Sailing in Maine

29 August 2014

A highlight of this summer’s trip to Maine was scooting a bit farther up the coast to spend a night with our friends the Terhunes. Both Graham’s family and my family go to Maine every summer, and this year, our annual trips overlapped! John and I packed a lot into our 24-hour-ish visit to Brooksville, including a freshly-harvested mussel lunch, a sailing adventure in East Penobscot Bay, a croquet and artisan pizza cocktail hour, a homemade spaghetti and meatballs dinner, and a morning walk. Graham and Sam posted some photos from their trip on their blog today, and I just had to share a few – they encompass everything I love about Maine, even though our “Maines” are a little bit different! It was so fun to experience someone else’s most special place, and we’re already looking forward to returning the favor next year!






Almost all photos by Graham – go see his post!

John and I also put together a short video from our adventures. He got a GoPro camera from his parents for his birthday, and the quality is amazing!! I’m kind of in love with our little two minute film:

Happy Labor Day weekend, friends!

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August 29, 2014 11:43 am

This is AWESOME–it looks absolutely idyllic! I can see why you love it there so much! :)

August 29, 2014 2:25 pm

Oh my gosh, this is FANTASTIC you guys! I’m so impressed with all that you did in Maine (AND with the Go Pro, no doubt). I loved the footage of jumping off the dock and the familiar faces of your parents driving the boat! Really , this was so fun! Thanks for sharing :)

August 29, 2014 3:06 pm

Your trip looks delightful!

Can you please tell me where you shop?? I know that sounds so random, but I discovered your blog a while back (while planning my wedding!) and adore your style! Actually, you and all the SW ladies always have great, classic looks. Shopping tips welcome! :)

Thank you!

August 31, 2014 6:34 pm

Ah! This is the most fun video! What an amazing week you had in Maine!

September 2, 2014 4:43 pm

This is so wonderful! I’m so glad you guys brought your camera and we loved our day in Maine with you two. Here’s to many more!!!