Baby shower ideas for Lisa

12 August 2016

I have had the pleasure of knowing Lisa Kirk for three years. We are each other’s right hand at work, and through endless hours of back-and-forth chatter across our desks and extensive road trips around the South, I’ve gotten to know her pretty well. (Actually, let’s be real: I probably know her better than 90% of the people in my life.) We also happen to be very similar. So, it’s hard to think of an easier assignment than planning a perfectly fitting baby shower for this sweet, dear friend of mine!

I got a little overexcited and dreamed up three concepts, then left the final choice up to Lisa. Before I share the photos from the shower, I thought I’d share the three options I presented her with and y’all can guess which one she chose!


Credits clockwise from top left: unknown, unknown, Serena & Lily, photo by Megan Robinson via 100 Layer Cake

Up first: Stripes and Chambray! This theme celebrated a few of Lisa’s favorite things, with a little denim thrown in as a nod to her baby boy and a little gold to keep things girly. Guests would be encouraged to wear their best stripes :)


100 Layer Cakelet, 100 Layer Cake, unknown, photo by 822 Weddings via Snippet & Ink

Second option: Summer Whites! This shower would have a soft French flair. The color palette would be almost completely white, with small silver accents. Guests would, of course, be invited to wear white!


Oh Happy Day, Tell Love and Party, Cup of Jo, How Sweet It Is, Evelyn Henson

Third option: Fruit Punch! Inspired by Lisa’s main pregnancy craving (fresh fruit!), this shower would be anchored with a monochromatic fruit salad, watercolor details, and a few fruity puns.

I’d love to hear: Which is your favorite? Which one do you think Lisa picked?

Psst… see her actual shower here!

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August 12, 2016 8:46 am

I’m so lucky to have such a dear friend who knows me so well–I would’ve been ridiculously happy to celebrate with ANY of these adorable party themes!! :)

August 12, 2016 9:59 am

Fruit punch! Congrats Lisa!

August 12, 2016 10:26 am

Just by reading Lisa’s latest blog post, I’m pretty confident that she chose Stripes and Chambray! (Which is also my favorite combination, so I may be a little biased there!)

August 12, 2016 10:40 am

These are so fun! My vote is that she chose stripes and chambray. :)

August 12, 2016 6:13 pm

I agree with India, judging by Lisa’s dress she mentioned in her latest post, for sure the stripes and chambray! :) All three themes are beautiful! I really love that they aren’t the typically “baby shower looking” theme, but still very elegant and fun! Can’t wait to see photos!

August 13, 2016 4:46 pm

It’s gotta be stripes and chambray! It sounds so perfectly Lisa-ish! :)

August 14, 2016 4:29 pm

agh, they’re all so cute! I love that all of these were something that guests could easily get into through attire. I think that makes parties so fun by encouraging the feeling of belonging to the group. I hope Lisa enjoyed!

[…] hostess-with-the-mostest of my North Carolina baby shower, Emily, shared inspiration boards for her three shower theme ideas on her blog last week, and I was amused to see that no one who […]