Maine Squeeze: Lemonade and Cookies

15 April 2011

When last we left off, the ceremony had just ended, and Kate and Cormac walked jubilantly back up the aisle!

The bridal party, families, and guests followed, and there was much hugging and many congratulations. And a few tears (happy ones, of course!).

Since we had opened up the ceremony, but not the reception, to the whole Island community, we wanted to have something of a mini party in between. So we did! My Mom’s amazingly talented BFF made tons and tons of delicious cookies, my cousins set out lemonade, and it was the perfect little interlude.

My mouth is watering just looking at those photos…

After about a half an hour, most guests started to head for the reception while the major players took care of a few more portraits.

First, a cousins pic for grandma (LOVE this one!):

That’s me on the right, for those of you who don’t know!

Then, a few full bridal party extravaganzas:

The bridal party headed to the real party after that, while Kate and Cormac stayed back with Jenna for a few more portraits.

And with that, they walked off into the sunset! …er, reception :)

All photos by the super talented and lovely Jenna Cole and Meredith of & Unlimited.

We arrive
We prepare
We raise the tent
We rehearse and play wiffle ball
We jump off the wharf
We eat lobster
We wake up very early, and the gents get dressed
The girls get ready
They make their vows

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