Found: the most delicious banana bread

22 February 2016

I don’t know about you, but there are several types of recipes I tend to pin over and over: quick and healthy Mexican dishes, things with sweet potatoes, delicious-sounding soups, and yes, skillet chocolate chip cookies. Until a few weeks ago, banana bread (one of my favorite things!) was also in this category, but not anymore! I’ve found what I think is the perfect recipe, and I’m done looking.


Here it is (her photo above!). The recipe comes together easily, and, thanks to the addition of sour cream, is ridiculously moist. I make it just as the author suggests, except I replace one 1/2 cup of white flour with whole wheat flour, and add a handful of mini chocolate chips :) If you’re an banana bread fan and are still looking for a end all-be all recipe, I nominate this one!

Tell me: is there a food/meal/item which has you constantly on the hunt for its holy grail recipe/version?

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February 22, 2016 9:30 am

Sour cream makes a huge difference! We’ve been using the recipe for Joanne Chang’s banana bread (from Flour in Boston) since I found the recipe in an issue of Runner’s World back in college. It’s so good! I’ll have to branch out and try your new favorite next though. Thanks for sharing, Em!

April 4, 2016 10:42 am

I randomly made this last night – I had almost all the ingredients and I vaguely remembered you posting this so I looked it up and sure enough it was delicious! I didn’t have sour cream but used plain Greek fat free yogurt instead. Thanks for sharing!