October Goals

1 October 2013

September was SO good! As many of you know, it’s my very favorite month of the year, and here in NC we had picture perfect weather — warm, with the perfect note of crispness in the air. Our windows were open almost every day, and all that fresh air definitely confirmed for me the start of a new season.


We capped off a wonderful month with a visit from my parents this past weekend! My bluegrass-loving father was collecting on a birthday present: tickets to a massive festival in Raleigh! A highlight was seeing George Banks play banjo.

But on to goals! I did well on my list for September — we hung our curtains (made such a difference!), painted a chalkboard wall (love it already!), planned Kate’s shower (so excited for this weekend!), and celebrated our anniversary (love that man). I STILL have not checked off refinishing our table, which to tell you the truth kind of makes me annoyed at myself. I think this goal intimidates me because I’m not sure how I’m going to get our (very heavy, solid mahogany) table outside, and I’m not sure what I need to do to it once I get it outside. But, it badly needs to get done. So, it’s going on my list of goals… for the third month in a row.

— Refinish dining room table
— Volunteer at our church’s ham biscuit booth at the State Fair
— Deck out our mantel and front steps with fall goodness
— Photograph and post about how + why I use my planner
— Finalize and print our household maintenance tracker

With three trips, two sets of weekend visitors, and a fall to do list, I think that’s quite enough for October.

In other goal-related news, after almost three years, my second 101 in 1001 project has come to an end! I am formulating my thoughts and a post will be forthcoming, but you can check out my final results here.

Friends, what do you have planned for October? I would love to hear!

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October 1, 2013 12:10 pm

You have me very curious about your household maintenance tracker! I would love to learn how others, such as yourself, track not only household maintenance but important health, insurance, and random (but important!) documents that pop up. I haven’t figured out a pretty and functional system. Any recommendations?

As for October plans, I am looking forward to seeing dear friends get married, taking care of early holiday shopping, cleaning out my apartment for the coming winter, and baking fall treats!

October 2, 2013 9:02 am


I am constantly encouraged by how everything you do seems so influenced by what is truly important to you! I love that you are wanting to share WHY you use your planner. It just struck me as so authentic and so Emily Thomas perfect and I love it. Can’t wait, friend! XO

October 2, 2013 1:03 pm

OMG – we were at the Bluegrass Festival too! It was awesome. We did not the show you speak of, however, but did se some awesome other musicians.