Loading the truck

17 August 2010

…among many other things! We’ve been busy bees ever since arriving in Maine. We’ve hauled loads of wedding stuff across the water and up a hill (with the help of the one truck on the Island)…

…constructed signs (remember them?)

…taken a few trips into town (including for a hair trial this morning!)

…and discussed many things (luckily we had a beautiful place to do it in).

Mostly it’s just nice to be here with my whole family in a place we love, no matter what we’re doing. And the view isn’t bad, either:

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August 17, 2010 11:38 pm

Oh, I am downright giddy! Thanks for the update, Emily. Also- you look absolutely gorgeous in the Millie shots. Just gorgeous!

August 19, 2010 4:24 am

By now you must be getting very excited. It looks like you have everything in place, and I hope all goes without a hitch. Lots of weddings occur near me in Rockport at the Children's Chapel. Best to you.

August 19, 2010 4:11 pm

Thank you, Meredith! It was a really fun shoot… Millie is so awesome!