Merry Christmas!

23 December 2012

christmas tree with star lights

Martha Stewart

My family (mom, dad, sisters, and brother in law) arrived last night, and we’ve already gotten together for a huge dinner with fifteen of our local cousins. This morning we’ll go to church, and then spend the afternoon wrapping (maybe using some of these ideas), playing games, and taking a walk. Later in the week we’ll travel around New England celebrating with my mom’s side of the family, my dad’s side of the family, and John’s family. (Whew – and yippee!)

I wish you all the most joyful holiday with those you love and lots of time for relaxation and regrouping. I will see you back here before you know it!

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December 27, 2012 9:44 pm

Merry Christmas, dear friend! Please bring back some snow for me :) xoxo