Christmas cards!

14 December 2010

I LOVE Christmas cards! Love getting them, love sending them. I especially love reading family newsletters, even though everyone else seems to hate them!

Though J and I basically send out a joint card (by default, I suppose, since J wouldn’t send out any cards without me!), I don’t like the idea of doing a photo card until we’re married. I also don’t like the idea of doing a readymade card at this point, even though there are gorgeous options to be had (See here and here for my picks! I particularly love this design my good buddy is sending out.) Of course, I’m sure I will be singing a different tune when I need to churn out 100+ cards, but for now, my list is manageable — 39 this year.

I was very happy with last year’s card, but struggled a long time this year waiting for inspiration to strike. I had numerous starts and stops at the craft table. Then, I happened upon this image from Martha:

Martha to the rescue! With this color palette as my guide, and Kate Spade glitz on my mind, this is what I came up with:

They say “be merry and bright on the inside.” :) What do you think?

P.S. Curious what my Christmas cards looked like last year? Here’s a peek.

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Cassie Brese
December 14, 2010 8:52 pm

Super cute!!

December 14, 2010 9:31 pm

Thank you, Miss Cassie! Love the new name :)

December 15, 2010 12:55 am

loved mine :)

December 15, 2010 6:52 am

love, love love it!!:) I'm thinking of copying that for next year….;)

December 19, 2010 3:19 pm

Love them! so cute :)

Meredith Perdue
December 21, 2010 4:33 pm

Emily- your Christmas cards were the cutest! I am so glad I received mine before I left for the holidays! (It came the same day as Kate's actually!) Thank you for thinking of us, it totally made my day!

December 22, 2011 8:06 am

[…] Last year’s Christmas cards. I still love these ones! And here are our cards from 2009. 0 […]