A Little Southern Wedding Love

25 November 2008

WOW! Imagine my surprise when I signed into my Google Reader this morning to see this post on the Southern Weddings BlogSite. Excuse me, what?? Would that be THIS little old blog you’re writing about, Ms. Lara Casey?!

Turns out it was! Here’s the story: a few weeks ago I wrote this post about my favorite notebooks by Carrot & Stick Press. Lara of SW left me a lovely comment saying she also loved them, and because I was feeling the blog love, I decided to send her one in the mail along with a note letting her know how much I admire her blog and passion and vision et al (and I do, oh, I do). And then today, her wonderful post. (In which, I might add, she calls this baby a “beautiful blog.” That’s right!) Just goes to show you how much a little common courtesy and southern charm can brighten someone’s day, though I think it went both ways in this case!

So head on over to the SW site – IT’S AMAZING! They’ve got new real weddings every day, ridiculously fun giveaways, a great vendor resource list, and a charming new site design.

And lastly, make sure you enter to win one of the notebooks that started this whole blog love fest in the first place! Lara will pick the winner on Thanksgiving.

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jessica lynn
November 26, 2008 2:28 am

you do have a cute little blog!! :)