Calligraphy vows prints in our master bedroom

17 October 2016

No one would ever accuse me of being the hare in the home decorating race. We take it slow around here, by choice and by necessity, and that’s okay. In the last year, we have made a lot of progress – new art over the mantel, new dining room chairs, a new rug in the living room, a nursery! – but there’s one room that always seems to fall lowest on the list of priorities: our master bedroom.

After upgrading to an (amazingly comfortable!!) king mattress a few years ago and buying sheets to fit it, we pretty much called it a day in our room. (I largely skipped over it in last year’s house tour.) But recently, it was decided that we needed to shoot something for work in – you guessed it! — our bedroom, and though I was a bit panicked at first, I’m so glad I finally had the kick in the pants to make some improvements!


For the project, we hung two large (16×20) prints of our wedding vows over our bed. Simply Jessica Marie did the watercoloring, and I absolutely LOVE how they came out! The softness of the technique means that the pieces read more as art and less as bold typography, which I think is appropriate — they are, after all, some of the tenderest and most personal words we’ve ever spoken. The prints were framed by Framebridge, and you can get a discount code in the Southern Weddings post!

calligraphy wedding vows

To spruce up our shooting angle, I first added three velvet Euro pillows from Pottery Barn. (I hate to say it doesn’t look like they have our indigo color online anymore – but you might be able to try in store?) The total for the three pillow covers and feather fills was $150. Not cheap, but they are a far less expensive way to add definition than a $1,000+ wooden headboard! (I’m still hoping to get that bed eventually, but it will probably have to wait a few more years!)


The gold lumbar pillow is from Anthropologie. (The bedroom in this home tour helped me visualize the mix of pillows I wanted.)


I also added two brass task lamps from Target (on sale right now!). A little light styling and one adorable tuxedo cat later, and we were in business.


I think the best home decor improvements change how you live in your space for the better, and these, though simple, definitely fall in that category. We make our bed every day now, since it looks so nice all done up, and it’s way more comfortable to read in bed at night! (Plus, June loves climbing all over the pillows.) For years I felt like I had to wait for that dream bed to make any improvements in here, but I’m so glad I finally took the first step!!

All photos by the wonderful Callie of Nancy Ray Photography! This post contains affiliate links.

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October 17, 2016 10:43 am

Love the gold lamps and blue Euro pillows! Makes me want to get my navy ones out of the closet and back onto the bed!

Katie B.
October 17, 2016 3:23 pm

As soon as you posted the top photo on Instagram I began saving for the watercolor prints. I think they are SO beautiful! Maybe a birthday splurge in the future :)

October 17, 2016 8:45 pm

This is so beautiful!!

October 19, 2016 12:21 pm

Looks absolutely fabulous and I LOVE the idea of wedding vows in watercolor over a married couple’s bed as a constant, beautiful reminder! :) And I’m curious – what rooms did you prioritize decorating/finishing and why? You always have such a thoughtful approach and I’d love to hear! :)

October 22, 2016 10:24 am

I’m sure Jack appreciates the idea of a tuxedo cat being a decorating accent!