101 in 1001: April, 2010

1 April 2010

As many of you know, I’m entering the third and final year of my 101 in 1001 challenge. It ends on September 28, 2010. I’d like to complete as many goals as possible before then, so to keep myself accountable, I’m reporting on my progress on the first of every month (or close to it!). I’ll tell you how many goals I’ve completed, how many goals are in progress, and which goals I’m going to be focusing on for the month.

So how did I do on my March goals? Umm, not particularly well…

Did I…
1. Read three more books of the Bible for no. 3? Nope.
2. Read another faith-related book for no. 5. Yes! I read 24 Hours That Changed the World in a small group at church.
3. Pledge to my (new!) home church for no. 6. No, but I expected to join this month and didn’t. Soon!
4. Do no. 7. No. I actually forgot about this one!
5. Do no. 8. No.
6. Complete no. 35. YES! And it was AWESOME!
7. Do no. 53. Not yet.
8. Try no. 63. Nope.

Where am I now? 42 completed and 23 in progress.

Now before you write me off as a failure, know that I’m getting back on the horse! What will I be tackling in April? I will…

1. Complete no. 16. Does anyone have any experience with either site?
2. Read another classic for no. 27.
3. Memorize another poem for no. 28. April is National Poetry Month, after all!
4. Attempt no. 53. Again. I’m planning to switch to stretching in the middle of the day instead of in the morning, as that feels more beneficial to me.

And that’s that! I’m keeping things simple but hoping to complete even more than I’ve listed. See more details on any of these goals right here!

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April 1, 2010 5:49 pm

DonorsChoose is awesome and will take you all of about 10 minutes, if you don't get distracted by all of the fantastic projects and spend forever trying to pick which one to fund.