February 2019 goals

1 February 2019

We have been making some serious progress on our living room lately (chairs delivered! mirror hung! furniture rearranged! new pillows!). After months of this project feeling like molasses, it’s thrilling these days to be so happy with how things are looking and feeling… and that momentum is spilling over into the rest of my goals! Let’s take a look…

On my calendar this month:
— A craft night with neighborhood friends (I think we’re going to make garlands with felt wool balls and pom poms)
— Another work week without John while he heads to Chicago (brrrrr!) for job training – his second of three trips!
— Making valentines with June (here’s last year’s!)
— My birthday! Thinking I’ll make this cake again.

What I’m loving right now:
— “I am not busy.” (Sound familiar?)
This heart shirt is headed towards me on Sarah’s recommendation.
— I talk about these frames all the time (pretty sure they’re on every gift guide I write), but I finally have one of my own and they are BEAUTIFUL in person – and on super sale right now!

What I read in January:
The Read Aloud Family: As if I needed more encouragement to read with my kiddos – but it’s always nice to feel validated in your parenting priorities! :) I’m excited to explore some of her book recommendations, too!
All the Money in the World: If you’ve never spent much time thinking about how money can make you happier, this easy read is for you. I liked how she covered ways to happify spending, saving, and giving, and appreciated her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom.

I am craving a good fiction read this month – thinking this one or this one! Have you read either?

Revisiting my January goals:
Make a master list of months (of photos) still to be culled and sorted, then make a schedule to complete them in a year (Done! That was the easy part :))
Shake the dust off our road bikes and bring them to the shop for a tune-up
Read what the Bible has to say about Sabbath (I just dumped everything I found in a Google Doc for now.)
Host the first meeting of our church’s creative team
Set reminders on my phone for walking and standing during my work days
Set up a weekly meal exchange with my friend Katie (We are four weeks strong!! This has been so good!)
Hang our new mirror in the living room
Finalize my magic list (Almost!)
Write our sweet girl a note on her third birthday
Order our 2018 photos from Social Print Studio

February goals:
— Cull and sort 2018 and 2016 iPhone photos (eeps)
— Buy a trainer for our bikes OR choose a bike trailer or kiddo seat
— Read a book about Sabbath (Any recommendations? I’m considering Sacred Rest.)
— Stand for the first hour of every work day
— Make a final decision on our living room rug
— Share my magic list

As a reminder, many of the goals above are drawn from my 2019 goals!

Let’s talk books! What have you read and loved lately? What’s waiting in the wings on your nightstand or library hold list?

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Natalie V Andrews
February 1, 2019 6:44 am

I had the idea while driving yesterday that I think I’m going to set up an autocorrect on my phone so it always changes the word busy to something… Not sure what yet but I’m excited about it!

Nichole W
February 1, 2019 9:10 am

Where the Crawdads Sing has been on my list for a while now! Also I like that picking out a rug is on your goal list for this month. I’ve been looking for one for our living room and I never imagined how difficult it would be to pick one out!

February 1, 2019 10:33 am

Where the Crawdads Sing is really really good!

February 1, 2019 12:53 pm

Just read “Seven Days of Us” and loved it..bonus – it’s set in England! Now reading “Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? And Other Questions You Should Have to Answer When you Work in the White House” written by former President Obama’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Completely regardless of political opinion, I am enjoying her insights into the White House world, thoughts on leadership as a young woman and hilarious stories she shares from her time traveling with the former President.

February 1, 2019 1:58 pm
Reply to  Kensington

I also liked “Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?”. The peek behind the curtain was fascinating.

Both Crawdads and Sing were wonderful books! I just finished “Olive Kitteridge” and enjoyed that a lot. Also “Off the Clock”- a look at how we spend the hours in our days. One for entertainment and one for self-reflection.

February 1, 2019 1:47 pm

I did the Breathe study with Priscilla Shirer and it was ALL about the Sabbath and building rest into our lives! I HIGHLY recommend it!!

February 2, 2019 11:00 am

Hi Emily, no a book comment, but I was just listening to a random podcast, thought of you, and stopped everything to comment here (ha!). I was listening to an older Goop podcast with Ashley Graham “On Being Put in a Corner.” Around the 11:00 mark Graham talks about creating a Vision Board. Then it all started happening for her. Anyway, if you have a chance, check that part out. “Sure enough, things just started happening.” Thought of you and your belief in goals and vision boards! It was powerful.

February 4, 2019 3:32 pm

Em, I just read this book I think you will love. It is called “Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living” and I could not put it down. Have you heard of it? (FYI – I was able to check it out from the Wake County library.)

February 5, 2019 8:25 am

I cannot wait to see your updated space, friend! If it’s anything like the backyard makeover then we are all in for a treat!

February 6, 2019 10:45 am

Can you share more about your process/plans for organizing your photos and storing them. I need to do this, but I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with where to start. I have DSLR and iPhone photos. Yikes!