DIY: Paper Dogwood Flowers

9 April 2010

I love fresh flowers with the best of them, but live blooms aren’t always in the budget. Which should explain why when I cracked open my copy of Martha’s April issue, I didn’t even finish the book before busting out the supplies to try my hand at her paper dogwood flowers. I also love the original version of this Good Thing, a paper cherry blossom display that first appeared in April 2006.

I must say, I’m pretty happy with how my version turned out! Here’s Martha’s:

And here’s mine:

What do you think?

I pretty much followed Martha’s directions (which you can find here), with just a few tweaks: I didn’t see the need to buy a “starburst” stamp, so I used the eraser of a fresh pencil for all of the stamps instead of just for the middles. I also subbed in a thick green marker in place of a stamp pad. If I were to do this project over again, I think I would make the blooms a bit smaller than the 5 inches she suggests — or at least have some larger and some smaller flowers.

{via Martha}

All in all, though, a very easy and satisfying project! I would highly recommend.

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Micah Noel
April 12, 2010 10:32 pm

Beautiful! I LOVE paper flowers!