Summer to do list

28 June 2013

I missed the official first day of summer by a few days, but it feels like my summer will really begin tomorrow, when John and I leave for our big road trip to Michigan! Here are a few other things I’m hoping to “accomplish” this season…

summertime wave splashing

— Host an adventure dinner party (!!!)
— Bake something with fresh berries or fruit
— Order from a local food truck (I’m eying this one)
— Swim in the Eno
— Go to an outdoor country concert
— Watch an outdoor movie at Koka Booth and the NC Museum of Art
— Spend a day at the beach
— Watch fireworks
— Pick blueberries
— Canoe down the Haw River
— Stargaze during the Perseids meteor shower
— Buy a grill
— Make flavored lemonade
Jump off the dock at the Island
— Eat lots of bruschetta :)

What’s on your list? I’m always inspired by what y’all have planned!

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June 28, 2013 10:16 am

Oh I would love to see an outdoor movie!! I’m hoping after I settle in DC next month I’ll be able to find an awesome venue for just that.

Safe travels this weekend, Em!

June 28, 2013 10:30 am

Guess we won’t be seeing you in Maine? We leave tomorrow. If it is hot enough, I will jump off the dock :-)

June 28, 2013 5:38 pm

Love this list! I totally need to put one together.

Just as a note, it’s the Haw River (not the Saxapahaw). We just moved into a house that overlooks the river, so canoeing/kayaking on it is definitely on my list, too!

July 1, 2013 12:26 pm

The lemonade post is on my bookmarks to do this summer too! Only, I’m going to try to do a lower-sugar version of each! We’ll see what happens!

Another on my list is learning to SUP! Looks like so much fun!