Rosecliff: The Face

28 April 2009

For someone who loves the fancy, I am not much of a makeup girl. My typical morning routine consists of lip balm and a dab of foundation here and there… and that’s it. On special occasions, I upgrade to a more full-coverage foundation, a bit of bronzer on my cheeks, gold cream shadow on my lids, dark brown liner on my bottom lids, a swipe of mascara on the top lashes, and lip balm. I do not profess to know much at all about makeup, and since I’m doing my own for Rosecliff, I want to keep it simple. In the name of streamlining, I’ve only got one inspiration photo for you today:

{via perfect bound}

Gorgeous! I’ve got a ways to go before I can claim Natalie’s flawless skin, but the rest of the look is pretty doable, don’t you think?

Now again {with the limited makeup knowledge}, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here to achieve this lovely look, but after some study I think if I add a little pink to the apples of my cheeks, a little smoky gray smudge on my lids + liner on both the top and bottom, and some sort of light pink lipstick/gloss to my usual {fancy} routine, I should be good to go, right?

Now here’s where you come in, dear readers: I want to know your favorite sources for pink blush and moisturizing, un-sticky lipstick {colors you love would help, too!}. I’ll also take any tips on the smoky eye application you’re willing to dish up. As I’m sure you can tell, I need all the help I can get!


The Location
The Dress
The Hair
The Jewelry

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April 29, 2009 2:49 pm

you have to check out Lauren Luke’s youtube videos, she has some great ideas for eye makeup application:

April 29, 2009 6:34 pm

I’m headed over there now! Thanks for the tip.

Anna K.
May 1, 2009 9:28 pm

Not sure what your coloring is like but I'm extremely fair skinned.

I recently tried Posie Tint by Benetint. It gives you a pink glow as opposed to the darker, rosy color you get from Origin's Pinch My Cheeks and Benetint.

Sometimes you have to apply quite a bit for it to show up but you can get various levels of pinky glow. But when I really want that pop of color I head straight for Pinch Your Cheeks in Raspberry.

You can use both on your lips – a couple of applications – let it dry (doesn't take long) and put sheer gloss over it.

Hope this helps!

May 4, 2009 4:13 pm

I was just going to recommend the same thing – Benefit’s rose cheek stain has added a pinch of color to my cheeks for years, but the posie shade, new this spring, would be lovely on you. This cheek stain adds a translucent color, so that it seems you’re truly blushing from the inside out. It can also be dabbed on lips for a stain, but a moisturizing chapstick should follow to keep lips from drying out.

May 4, 2009 11:11 pm

You all have such fabulous tips! I can’t wait to try them out. Perhaps a makeup trial post is in order?