Drink more water

16 April 2012

That is what I would like to do.

Eileen Ramsay via Sail World

Despite having this desire for quite some time, I haven’t made much progress. So today I turn to you, dear friends: Do you do a good job of drinking water throughout the day? If so, do you have any tips to share with me?

My main issue is that I drink lots and lots with meals, but am not the type to sip on plain water throughout the day. I probably would sip on lemonade, but I don’t really want to add that much sugar to my diet. The best suggestion I’ve heard so far is to add wedges of lemon and lime to a tumbler of water, but I’ve yet to try it.

Thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? All will be gratefully received!

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April 16, 2012 9:04 am

I am OBSESSED with my Camelbak water bottle. You know, the kind with the rubber mouth piece that you bite to drink. Something about that thing makes me drink a lot more water. I got my boyfriend hooked too! They’re awesome for the gym, work, traveling, whatever. And my favorite part is that you don’t have to tip it back to drink like you have to do with a glass or bottle, so it’s easier (safer) for me to drink on the elliptical or in the car.

April 16, 2012 9:14 am

I’m a fan of lemon or lime wedges, however I’ve found the biggest difference for me is having a great cup to drink from. If I’m just faced with a water bottle, I can easily ignore it. However, if I have an adorable mug that feels good in my hand then I find I tend to keep sipping. As an added bonus, getting up to refill it forces me to stretch my legs and get away from my desk and if makes me feel as though I’m really accomplishing something in regards to my water intake. Best of luck – I know you can do it!

April 16, 2012 10:14 am

Totally agree with Ellie – I never had success drinking as much water as I wanted, until I received my Camelbak water bottle for Christmas. And let me tell you – I drink SO much water now! (I’m up to 4 bottles a day.) I think it’s because the straw is fun – you have to bite it in order to drink. (kinda weird, I know.) But it’s sooo good. Very sturdy, dishwasher safe, and fun to drink. Get one! Its worth the $15! http://www.rei.com/product/830413/camelbak-eddy-water-bottle-25-fl-oz

Jesse R
April 16, 2012 10:31 am

Really cold water tastes better to me & is more appealing to drink – at work I am lucky to have water filters & Poland Springs bubblers & at home I fill containers with tap water to keep in the fridge!

Once in awhile I also use crystal light or something like that to mix in some flavor. Oh and I have a friend who has a seltzer maker so if bubbly water is more appealing that might be a good option!

April 16, 2012 11:16 am

I’ll also chime in on the awesomeness of the Camelback water bottle! I was terrible about drinking water and now it’s almost all I drink. Something about the “bite” straw is addictive! I got mine at Target for about ten bucks and take it almost everywhere I go. It’s great!

April 16, 2012 11:34 am

I agree with the Camelbak crew…I’m obsessed and drink WAY more water now. I have a pink aluminum one!

April 16, 2012 11:49 am

I am in the same boat as the other commenters about getting a great tumbler to drink water out of. I love my monogrammed tervis tumblers. They have great graphics and lid colors so it makes it so fun to drink out of. Also, I find it easier to drink a lot of water when the lid stays open/off of my cup. It helps me to mindlessly grab the water rather than always having to unscrew a lid. Now go get yourself a cute glass!

April 16, 2012 12:06 pm

Get yourself a camelbak water bottle (w. the bite valve!) to keep at your desk (http://www.amazon.com/Camelbak-Better-0-75L-Bottle-Grey/dp/B0019DCD0M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334592095&sr=8-1). I find myself mindlessly sipping away while I work. :)

April 16, 2012 12:06 pm

Wow, i should have noticed the comments before me. I guess the camelbak is popular! lol :)

April 16, 2012 4:01 pm

I like my bite-valve camelbak a lot too, but I find it REALLY hard to keep the bite piece clean. I also love these tumblers that they have at Target….they look like a fast food cup (lid and straw) except plastic. For some reason I drink a lot more when sipping through a straw. And if you don’t want to go the lemonade route, crystal light is only 5 calories a glass and has tons of good flavors….

April 16, 2012 5:10 pm

That photo sends me into dream-land!

I have to agree with the Camelbak crew…I got one for my graduation in 2010 and I’m still using the old faithful! I need to invest in the water filter one..but it’s amazing how much more you drink with it next to you! I think the straw alone helps…do you have a cup with a straw? Everything is more fun that way! I have definitely increased my water consumption!

One caution: My mom literally swears that the bite-valve has made my teeth buck out when I use it alot (I don’t see the difference), so if you had braces or retainers or any type of mouth-shifting device, I think your teeth can be more sensitive to the bite-valve sucking motion. Sounds weird, but it is something to think about!

April 16, 2012 11:04 pm

I love ending the day with a warm glass of water mixed with lemon juice, cinnamon, and ginger. It helps me cut back on late-night snacking, makes me feel better before bed/in the morning when I wake up, and helps to sneak in one last glass of water for the day! Good luck!

April 17, 2012 7:26 am

Apart from lemon wedges another nice recipe to drink water is add some cucumber slices to the water,is very refreshing.

Otherwise, you could try drinking tisanes (herbal teas) like camomille, mint or whatever you prefer. Take it to boil and then let it cool. You can add some ice cubes and it’s done! You’ll be drinking water without noticing ;)


April 17, 2012 5:18 pm

Hi friends! These tips are SUPER helpful – thank you for chiming in! I love the straw tip, and I’m definitely going to try and explore a Camelbak in person. Will let you know how it goes!

April 20, 2012 10:41 am

I don’t know if you’re still looking for advice, but this free printable at http://wildolive.blogspot.de/2011/05/8-day.html really helped me a lot. It’s basically just a checklist, but it reminds me of how much I already drank and how much I have yet to drink, and it keeps me motivated because I’m a sucker for checking boxes.

April 23, 2012 1:37 pm

I was so bad at drinking water too, but you don’t need to shell out on a posh flask…just buy a box of drinking straws and stick one in a bottle or glass of water, you will be surprised how quickly you sip down a whole bottle through a straw, especially if you are doing something else at the time like reading or even traveling on a train or bus!