June 2019 Goals

3 June 2019

For the last several years, June has been synonymous with blueberries for our family. There’s a pick-your-own patch not too far from our house, and when the blues are in season, we try to go at least once a week. We venture out in the early evening, after work or after dinner, the golden hour when the heat has slacked just a little bit. This particular farm is magic, and the berries are so plentiful and perfect you can fill a pint without trying in about five minutes – but we always linger longer than that, enjoying the evening and each other. This is “the good stuff,” as they say, and I am so looking forward to another month of it.

P.S. I’m working on a post for later this week with an (almost) mid-year update on my 2019 goals for you – lots of good progress has been made!!

On my calendar this month:
— Blueberry picking, of course! I’m hoping to make these muffins with our bounty.
— A beach week with some of our extended family! June is SO excited to have a sleepover with her cousin MULTIPLE DAYS IN A ROW!
— Filming June in June Volume 4! The hunt for the perfect song is on!

What I’m loving right now:
— Going to the pool! We splurged on a membership for the first time this year and are trying to go once a week.
Nancy’s podcast! And I’m not just saying that because she’s my friend :) She delivers a powerful punch in a short amount of time (usually 15-20 minutes). My favorite episode so far is number 002!
— Our brother- and sister-in-law got Shep this little dish to commemorate his baptism, and I thought it was lovely. I know we’ve chatted about baptism gifts in the past, so I thought I’d pass it along as a great suggestion!

What I read in May:
— Finished Where the Crawdads Sing. Loved it – going on my favorite fiction list.
— Almost finished with This is Where You Belong. I would rate it good – nothing groundbreaking, but if you don’t love where you live and are struggling with how to change your perspective, it might spark some ideas for you!
— A few pages into Pillars of the Earth – a classic BELOVED by my sister and several friends. It’s an intimidating size but with so many enthusiastic evangelizers, I’m excited to dig in!

Revisiting my May goals:
Book our camping trip for later this year (still in progress! We’re close!)
Send out invites to a book swap party!! (Done! I can’t wait!!)
Finish culling and sorting 2015, 2014, and 2013 photos (DONE!! Also 2012! I am on fire!!!)
Write a Marvelous Money post on investing (not yet!)
Commission an art print from Katie in prep for Father’s Day (Noodled around with this myself… need to print a test print!)
Order Shep’s bike helmet (Done! Now to find a bike trailer – we are hoping to find a Burley Bee used!)
Refresh our living room mantel

June goals:
— Finally book our camping trip!
— Cull and sort remaining iPhone photos – 2011, 2010, 2009
— Download and sort Facebook photos
— Plan my book swap party!
— Sign up for the MS Ride (it’s in September!! Eek!)
— Create a standing desk upstairs
— Define Sabbath for our family

I’d love to hear: what does June mean for you? What are you looking forward to this month?

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June 3, 2019 8:30 am

That blueberry patch looks like so much fun! Have always wanted to do that! Also, super excited for your investing post!!!

June 3, 2019 8:37 am

‘Define Sabbath’ YES! This is inspiring. Can’t wait to read more once you tackle this goal, friend! Also, blueberries. Yum!

Natalie V Andrews
June 3, 2019 11:59 am

I finished Pillars of the Earth last year. It was long but so good especially once you get into it!

June 3, 2019 1:52 pm

June is my favorite month of the year! It’s the month I got married! We celebrate 6 years this month. I’m also just excited that it’s finally summer and warmer weather! We had a loooong winter this season.

June 4, 2019 7:05 am

I haven’t been blueberry picking since we went together with the office and Eric Kelley!! Given how much Charlie loved strawberry picking this year though, I think we’ll need to make it a priority!

Also loving Nancy’s podcast and am excited to hear how your Rule of Life pans out :) I need to update mine for summer!

June 4, 2019 4:52 pm

I always love reading your goals for the month! June for my husband and me looks like finishing Whole30 at the end of the month and going for walks together in the evening when he’s not in grad school classes.

June 4, 2019 10:37 pm

I just finished reading the book, The Blueberry Years by Jim Minick — a memoir about organic blueberry farmers. You might enjoy it! Looking forward to blueberry picking this summer as well!


June 5, 2019 2:45 am

I love that certain months look a certain way for you – we have opposite seasons so we are going into Winter now… June is our school half term wrap up month so a busy one before heading into our Winter break x

I finally got on to my June goals too: http://ellieloveblog.co.za/2019/06/june-goals-4.html