Wedding planning update: 1 month to go

15 August 2012

Oh my goodness. Ohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodness. How did we get here?? I am trying my best to stay calm, but am not always successful. I am very thankful that though wedding planning is not John’s specialty, he is doing a great job picking up the slack on household chores, giving me extra time to check things off the master to do list. Speaking of the to do list? I decided to consolidate my three or four lists into one, and to break out every task into each of its component pieces (so, for example, “make drink stirrers” has now become “choose ribbon color”, “order ribbon”, “cut ribbon”, “cut sticks”, and “assemble stirrers”). This makes the list look more daunting (currently sitting at 122 to dos – yikes), but it also makes me feel good to know exactly what needs to be done and to have it all in one place. With that said, let’s check in!

Belathee Photography

Since my last update:
Invitations have arrived, been addressed and stuffed, and sent back out the door! So far we’ve received responses from 79 of our 157 invited guests (68 yeses), and our RSVP deadline is today.
— I had my final dress fitting last week, and my dress is being shipped to Connecticut soon!
— We’ve placed the order for our ring bearer bowl – short and sweet. Can’t wait to share!
— We’ve finalized all of the details for our ceremony – order, readings, songs, everything – and are waiting for confirmation from our pastor. We’ve already sent the details out to our musicians!
— I’ve FINALLY been making some good progress on our DIY projects! There has been much wood cutting, ribbon tying, cardboard painting, hot gluing, signage designing, and calligraphy-ing happening over here!
— I ordered bridesmaid/reader/helper gifts and John bought his groomsman gifts.
— We secured a dream photo location :)

A few of the tasks to be completed this week:
— Finalize rental and linen orders and reception tent layout (almost done with this – not for the faint of heart!)
— Invite guests to rehearsal dinner and Sunday brunch and decide on outfits for both
— Finish scanning photos for slideshow
— Complete a number of DIY projects – mostly more signage
— Buy John’s wedding gift

What do you think – is it boring to have a planning update every week for the last month? Or fascinating? Good motivation? You tell me!

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Tia D
August 15, 2012 8:33 am

hi emily! congratulations again – i’m going to “unlurk” to tell you I love your updates – I am getting married on the 14th and it’s reassuring seeing what stage you are at and knowing that I am pretty much on track (despite not having a prior clue – HAH). I also think it is wonderful and quite interesting to see the process and progress. Thank you for sharing. :)

August 15, 2012 9:13 am

please keep updating us!

August 15, 2012 9:17 am

Congrats, Emily! Only one month out and you seem so prepared! I would love for you to post a planning update every week. :)

August 15, 2012 10:47 am

keep the updates coming! i’m getting married november 10th and i am always wanting reassurance! it feels like there’s always so much to do and sometimes i feel that i can get sidetracked and i love seeing progress! after all we only get to do this once! plus you have superb taste and i can’t WAIT tos ee the final product!!

August 15, 2012 11:00 am

The updates are fascinating!!:) So exciting to see all these steps. Congratulations!!

August 15, 2012 11:04 am

I love your updates!!! What are you getting John as a gift?

August 15, 2012 12:11 pm

@Elizabeth: He reads the blog regularly (AND checks the comments!), so I can’t reveal my final pick here! We decided together that we wanted to get each other some THING (as opposed to an experience, which we’ll often give each other as gifts), because we wanted to be able to look back in ten years and remember [whatever it is] as being given to each other on our wedding day. I was stumped for awhile, but think I have the perfect thing now! :)

August 15, 2012 3:09 pm

Fascinating! Weekly updates are a must! So we can all get excited with you :)

Can’t wait to find out John’s gift! (And his to you, of course!)

August 15, 2012 6:09 pm

Thanks, Emily! I’m getting married at the end of the month…..planned a wedding in about 40 days. Crazy, huh?! So I was looking for ideas.

August 15, 2012 7:48 pm

I love the wedding updates, Emily! I also bought my wedding dress in the south and will be shipping it up to New England. Could you either do a post or just lend some advice about that process – particularly how you’re making sure it looks fresh and ready for the big day? (You can totally wait until after the wedding, when things are less crazy :)

August 15, 2012 8:09 pm

I like the updates. Good to see what’s happening behind the scenes.