Gifts for Em

11 December 2012

Five gifts on my wish list this year… now that cowboy boots have FINALLY been eliminated! :)

1. Chunky link bracelet | Goes with everything.
2. Basic black ballet flats | I wore my last pair into the ground, so now that they’re no longer acceptable to wear in public (John says so), I need to replace.
3. The book Blog, Inc. | Intrigued to hear what Joy has to say!
4. A classic American flag | To fly proudly off the porch of our future house.
5. A new pair of sunglasses | I think I’ve had my last pair for about eight years

What’s on the top of your wish list this year?

P.S. I would also happily accept nos. 6, 11, and 15 from this gift guide, and no. 1 from this one!

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December 11, 2012 11:27 am

I went to Joy’s book signing in Austin last month–she was so sweet and had so much great advice! My favorite parts of the book were the interviews with successful bloggers about different topics, like expanding into a business, writing a book, building a brand, etc. Super informative!

December 11, 2012 8:46 pm

Your list looks awesome! Definitely am interested in Blog, Inc. as well!

December 13, 2012 3:09 pm

I LOVE the American flag. We got one as a wedding present from my adorable Grandma (along with a family bible). She says the three most important things in life are God, Family and Country – so she gave us all three for a wedding present!! (Although I am partial to that lovely chunky bracelet. Hope Santa is extra good to you!!)

April 7, 2014 11:35 am

Did you ever get Blog, Inc.? If not, I have a copy for you! :)