March 2014 Goals

3 March 2014

Oh my, March. You started out with a gorgeous 70 degree day yesterday, but today’s low is supposed to be 18!! I’m hoping you have much more of the former rather than the latter in store for us in the coming weeks…


In addition to the garlands I made for some faraway friends, I made raspberry whoopie pie valentines for my coworkers!

To recap, my February goals:
Finalize “Before 30″ list and post. Here! Thank you so much for your comments! I’ve already checked off three items!!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends and husband. Check!
Plan something fun with CT friends in the Triangle. Yes! We have dinner plans for next weekend.
Work on guest accommodations before March visitors. Yes! Lots of progress here. Fabric for curtains was ordered, arrived, and delivered to the seamstress. We (unexpectedly, but you have to strike when the opportunity arises!) bought a bed frame at the flea market on Saturday, so I’m hoping to have that refurbished before they arrive! And we assembled our twin spindle bed and bought a mattress for it.
Plant jasmine around mailbox Yes!

March goals:
— Practice new calligraphy techniques (picked up from my time with Lauren!)
— Plant peony in backyard, as long as danger of frost passes
— Plan a really happy trip to NC for two dear friends and their gents
— Set an appointment with an allergist
— Help launch a new service/community at our church – First on Chatham! If you’re interested, we meet at The Cary at 9:45!
— Plant the first round in our vegetable beds

What do you have planned for this month? If you’ve written a post about it, feel free to leave the link below, because I’d love to take a look!

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March 3, 2014 9:57 am

Oh I certainly hope the threat of frost passes, both for your peonies and all of our sanity!!
Here are my goals for the month!
Happy March, Em!

March 3, 2014 10:10 am

Happy March to you! I’m also a bit over the cold weather & snow – I am ready for the arrival of Spring! The calligraphy class with Lauren was so excellent, and I learned so much during it. I’d also love to hear more about the new service/community that you’re helping to launch – how exciting!!

I posted my March goals here:

March 4, 2014 10:46 am

I need to practice my calligraphy too, and I can’t wait to see what you do with your new spindle bed! Here are my goals for March

March 4, 2014 3:20 pm

Blogging? Haha, I’ve fallen off the bandwagon on that one with this new job.
March Goals:
Work-Life balance (re-read Lean In to help with that)
Finally hang the gallery wall I was supposed to hang in January
Dispose of all clothing that I can’t wear at work, won’t wear for fun and don’t need to keep for “junking”


March 5, 2014 3:43 pm

Em, we are kindred spirits! “Set an appointment with an allergist” is on my list of goals for March! :)

March 6, 2014 10:29 pm

oooh love the goals and the recap of your last month’s goals :) happy march! :)