February 2014 Goals

3 February 2014

February! The month of my birth and the birth of seemingly half of my friends — lots to celebrate for the next few weeks! :)


To recap, my January goals:
Make toffee. YES! All the recipes I looked at in advance looked intimidating (you have to stir THIS fast and pour it at THIS temperature), but I finally settled on this one and jumped in. It was a little finicky, but my first ever batch turned out delicious, so I have confidence you, too, could conquer it!
Install our new kitchen pendant lights. Check! We actually installed another new light fixture, as well!
Write another Marvelous Money post. Check! The most popular one to date.
Deep clean our refrigerator. Check! No post on that one :)
Donate our miscellaneous technology to Kramden. (When we went to gather everything up we realized we didn’t have what they’re looking for, so I skipped this one.)

My February goals:
— Finalize “Before 30” list and post.
— Celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends and husband
— Plan something fun with CT friends in the Triangle
— Work on guest accommodations before March visitors
— Plant jasmine around mailbox (likely – unless the garden center tells me it’s not the right month to plant! :)

What do you have planned for this month? If you’ve written a post about it, feel free to leave the link below, because I’d love to take a look!

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February 3, 2014 10:49 am

Homemade toffee is the best – congrats on making it and loving it! I’ve been contemplating beginning a “before 30” list, but I haven’t taken the plunge into that just yet. I’m intrigued to hear what yours will consist of!
I posted my February goals here: http://stephseekingjoy.wordpress.com/2014/02/03/february-goals/

February 3, 2014 11:34 am

Ok, now I have to make a “before 30” list. Loving that idea, and I really can’t wait to read your post! My Feb goals are here : http://nancyrayphotography.com/february-2014-goals/

February 3, 2014 11:42 am

Yay for February! I would love to see what gift ideas you have for giving your special someone for Valentine’s Day! (:

February 3, 2014 2:02 pm

Happy birth-month :) You share that with my husband! And thanks for sharing that toffee recipe; I can’t wait to try it! My February goals are here: http://atwelladventures.com/2014/02/03/february-goals/

February 3, 2014 2:37 pm

I really want to try making toffee now, that looks so delicious!!
My goals went up today as well: http://emmalouwrites.com/february-goals-2014/

February 4, 2014 2:53 pm

I love the look of Jasmine on mailboxes, hopefully you’ll be able to plant it. Here is my list: http://oh-gracious.blogspot.com/2014/02/february-2014-goals.html And happy birthday month!

February 4, 2014 3:55 pm

I made some of that toffee, too! It’s really good. I have my goals wrote down but haven’t posted yet. One of my goals is to start the tradition of having a Valentine dinner with our family of four. One of my college friends did this in her family and I always thought it was so neat. We plan on dressing up and eating by candlelight.

February 6, 2014 7:41 pm

Love your February goals, especially the “Before 30” list! Here are my goals for the month: http://www.ashleydanyew.com/2014/february-goals/

Mattye W
February 14, 2014 8:23 pm

Yay for February goals! My last 10 months of goals have led up to the BIG goal this month- to finally launch my blog, the lovingkind, and as of today it is live! Emily, you have been a true inspiration in this journey and I am so thankful! You and Em for Marvelous are, well, marvelous! Thank you for the way you share and inspire. I hope you will feel just as blessed as I do on your site when you visit the lovingkind at wearetlk.com! Hooray for goals realized! xoxo. Happy Valentine’s Day!