August 2019 goals

2 August 2019

Friends. Not only am I posting this update a day late, but… I did not check off ONE of my goals in July.

Here’s the thing: I know why (it’s pretty simple). I didn’t keep them in front of me, and so other things took priority. And, between recovering from our beach vacation, 10 days in Maine, three social events on back to back nights the week before we left for Maine, a major photo shoot the week we got home, and two family birthdays, I hardly had a chance to do the dishes, let alone make progress on “extras.”

There is grace for that. I’m calling July an unofficial summer break, and moving on to August (when I’m going to keep my PowerSheets open on my desk)…

On my calendar this month:
— My friend Maghon’s book launch party at the Carolina Inn!
— Camping with five kiddos under five!! Yes, it’s time for our annual camping trip with the Rays!
— Celebrating the wedding showers of two dear friends: one in Connecticut, and one here in NC

What I’m loving right now:
— I started the new Fruit of the Spirit Write the Word today and am planning to journal in it every day this month! This volume is especially close to my heart since I chose the scripture for it.
— Have you watched Always Be My Maybe on Netflix? I thought it was funny and so sweet – the kind of rom com they don’t really make anymore! John and I both enjoyed it.
— I usually prefer my own Spotify mixes to albums, but I have been playing People by Hillsong United over and over and over for the last few weeks. It’s the perfect backdrop for a morning or evening at home, and I also like it for longer trips in the car.

What I read in July:
Mere Christianity: Like To Kill a Mockingbird, I like to read this classic every year or so. When God starts to feel complicated, C.S. Lewis reminds me He’s really very simple.
Normal People: This novel has been getting rave reviews everywhere and so I eagerly took it to Maine with me, but it wasn’t my cup of tea.

August goals:
— Ride bikes 3 times a week in prep for the MS ride
— Send out a fundraising email to family + friends
— Edit June in June, Volume 4
— Choose a standing lamp for behind one chair
— Book Asheville accommodations and October flights
— Bring June to Sunday School for the first time!
— Plan and carry off Shep’s first birthday party!

Question for you: as a reader here, do you prefer more frequent, shorter posts, or fewer, longer ones – or do you not have a preference/like them both? (Shorter example, longer example.) I’m eager to pop in here more frequently but often get hung up on bringing mini novels to completion! Would love your thoughts, as always!

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August 2, 2019 8:24 am

Great goals for August! As a blog reader, I love more frequent posts. You put out such valuable content, which is awesome, but reading about everyday simple stuff is fun too!

August 2, 2019 9:37 am

I love a deep dive on a topic but I really enjoy the shorter posts as we’ll especially if it means they are more frequent! I think your series or multiple part posts might be a good way to do shorter but more frequent posts? Still getting a developed idea but in shorter chunks?

Kelly Strawberry
August 2, 2019 9:58 am

Mini novels- lol! I like both with no preference for one or the other.

Where are you planning for Asheville? If you want a recommendation, I booked an awesome (and reasonably priced) VRBO loft in the heart of downtown for our November trip. I’ll send you the link if you’re interested.

August 2, 2019 10:00 am

I read “Normal People” too. I really enjoy Sally Rooney’s writing. I read “Conversations with Friends” last year. I flew through Normal People, but thought it was just OK. I was unsatisfied with the ending.

Looking at my library loans/holds, my August reading list includes a thriller by the author duo Hendricks/Pekkanen, Lori Gottlieb’s book “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” and book three in the Neapolitan Novels (!!! obsessed with these).

August 2, 2019 1:30 pm

I like both kinds of posts! My favorites are always the mini-novels, but I also love short and sweet thoughts!

I have a quick book recommendation, if you are interested! I just finished up The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo and thought it was wonderful. It chronicles several decades of the lives of the Sorenson family, consisting of parents Wendy and David and their four adult daughters and their families. It isn’t a plot-driven book, but the character development is top-notch. The author is a former social worked and I felt she really captured some of the beautiful intricacies of being a part of a family. It is long, about 530 pages, but it flew by.

August 2, 2019 4:14 pm

I really liked Always Be My Maybe too! I agree they don’t make rom coms like that anymore, so it was nice to just watch something nice, you know? Also, I was pleasantly surprised that my husband and father-in-law enjoyed it as well. A rom com for both men and women?! Who knew??
As for posts: I like both long and short, as long as there is substance.

August 2, 2019 10:09 pm

Oh, I find it refreshing to read you didn’t check off any goals! Seriously! In June I didn’t even post any (for the first time in forever!). As for longer or shorter, more frequent posts – I love them both! And as much as I love how deep you get in the longer posts, I feel like there is always something to take away/be inspired by even in the short ones!
Now, please excuse me while I cuddle up with Always Be My Maybe ;-)

August 3, 2019 11:12 am

Oh Em, I love hearing from you no matter the format! I think you have so much fun and wisdom to share, so I totally wouldn’t mind more frequent posts, but also know how much work goes into a post. Either way you choose, go with what your heart leads. :)

And I LOVE these goal posts! They always remind me of the simple pleasures of life.

August 5, 2019 4:33 pm

My fiance and I really enjoyed Always Be My Maybe! I wanted to tell everyone about it after we watched it :) It felt good to find a well-done, fairly clean rom com in this day and age.

Also, I enjoy frequent posts from you, whether they be long or short!

August 8, 2019 1:56 am

Shorter posts but more frequent. :)

August 15, 2019 4:13 am

i love that you have given yourself this Grace – so so important, especially in the holiday season x