Fall outfit inspiration

16 August 2021

Friends, I am aware that the majority of my posts for the past few months have been kid-focused. This is natural – with all of the transitions in our family, there have been so many time-sensitive things I’ve wanted to share and discuss with you all! Even if we’re not in the same life stage and some posts aren’t immediately relevant to you, I hope you’ve found something to entertain you, to adapt to where you find yourself, or maybe to just tuck away for the future or for a friend. I know I love to learn from people ahead of me – that way, when I get there, I’ve already got some good ideas tucked away!

Today, however, we’re talking about something anyone can enjoy – fall fashion! After a year of just getting by in the fashion department – wearing what felt like the same four ill-fitting outfits on repeat – I’m eager for some variety and fun. Even in between pregnancies, I’m guilty of switching out my top and wearing the same jeans, shoes, jewelry, and hairstyle five days a week. There’s nothing wrong with this – I pride myself on being able to get from bed to front door in 15 minutes and simple outfits are a key ingredient – but at the moment, I’m feeling inspired to put a little more thought into what I wear each day.

That being said, I am far from a fashion blogger, and not the most naturally creative when it comes to putting together outfits – so I lean on the people who are. To me, that means my dear friend Lisa, as well as my online-friend-who-doesn’t-yet-know-we’re-friends Merrick. Here are a few favorites I collected this week for my virtual cheat sheet:

And here are a few of the elements I’m taking away as I go about trying to recreate these looks myself:

1. All the tucks. Half tucks, full tucks, fancy little waist knots. Maybe it’s just the style of the moment, or maybe I’m drawn to the look because it’s been awhile since I’ve had a waist, but so many of my favorite outfits involve a tuck.

2. Lots of different bottoms. This is the most obvious and probably the easiest thing for me to incorporate. Though my Madewell jeans are beloved, I have many other fun options that sit forlornly in my drawers. Leopard pants, white jeans, black leggings, midi skirts? All present and accounted for – I just need to pull them out.

3. Fun layers. Adding a jean jacket, a cardigan, or a sweater takes the interest up a notch and makes even basic elements feel considered.

4. The extras. To not feel like I’m wearing the same thing every day, it would help to switch up my shoes, jewelry, and/or hair style. For example, Lisa is sporting eight different hair styles in just the photos above, and probably an equal number of pairs of shoes. This isn’t really about buying anything new (I have plenty of shoes!), it’s much more about taking the time to choose a pair each day from the cubbies in my closet instead of slipping into the ones from yesterday that are already on the closet floor.

I’m sure to some of you these takeaways seem beyond basic, and they are! No one is coming here for the fashion advice of try wearing the pants in your closet, ha. But, if you, too, find yourself in a fashion rut you want to climb out of, consider this your friendly internet friend giving you a boost.

The real question: should I take Lisa’s inspiration one step further and photograph some of the favorite outfit combos I find in my closet?! Maybe she should come over for a styling session? Feel free to leave your opinion on that, or tell me what you’re looking forward to wearing this fall, below.

P.S. This is probably where I should insert a big collage of my fall clothing favorites from all my favorite retailers, but clearly, I’m not your girl for that. However, you can find links to all of Lisa’s posts, which include sources, right here. And the sources for Merrick’s outfits are here: red skirt, gingham skirt, red top, and gingham dress.

P.P.S. That being said, I did just buy this gauzy white top and I love it. I think it will be excellent to do all the tucks with :)

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August 16, 2021 10:30 am

Loved this post! I often want to improve my style and have also found that intention is a key ingredient in actually making any progress. My struggles are with hair and making a look polished. Proper posture and confidence would help with that! I have also saved many of Lisa’s outfit pictures for guidance and love the idea of a styling session collaboration between the two of you!

August 16, 2021 2:49 pm

Would love to see your favourite fall outfit combos! I’m pregnant this fall so I’ll be living vicariously through online fashion photos haha but come winter I’m looking forward to putting together some cute & cozy sweater outfits!

August 16, 2021 10:11 pm

Em!!! You are the sweetest. This was such a delightful surprise to find! Inspired to schedule another outfit diary post, and DEFINITELY here for a styling session/blog post to share the fun looks we come up with!!!

Victoria B
August 17, 2021 7:38 am

I have been very satisfied with my fashion or the last four years but this year I am feeling a pull to make it a little more feminine, so I think a couple of new additions to my closet will help that. Great ideas here!

August 17, 2021 10:09 am

Would love to see a styling session between you and Lisa! You two are some of my favs :)

August 19, 2021 12:58 pm

Em, thanks for the simple reminder to wear what is already in my closet! I too wear the same shoes over and over, but after reading this I grabbed a pair of “office-only” work shoes — which I have not worn to an office in 1.5 years so there was a nice layer of dust. It felt good and looked nice to wear something different! :)

August 23, 2021 4:38 pm

Oh this is so fun! Yours and Lisa’s blogs are my favorites, so of course I loved seeing a post integrating the two. I would be 100% there for your everyday style posts if you choose to do them :)

September 28, 2021 10:10 am

[…] my dear friend Emily shared a bunch of my outfit diary photos on her blog recently, I was so encouraged to get this post on my schedule! This late summer outfit diary is a […]