Modern Christmas newsletter

7 November 2012

In addition to our photo Christmas cards, I think we’ll be sending a newsletter! Did your families send holiday newsletters when you were younger? Do they still send one? My family always did, and I loved it! In fact, once I was in about sixth grade, I was often recruited to write it — my Dad and I alternated years :) Even in the age of Facebook, I still LOVE reading all the letters we get from other families, families I’ve known my whole life, when I go home for Christmas. My Dad is in the military, so my parents have lots of far-flung friends that I remember from my childhood but haven’t seen in years. My sisters and parents and I have been known to sit at the kitchen table and pass the letters around the circle, discussing the neatly-encapsulated contents as we read!

Our newsletters were always fairly simple affairs, graphically speaking — printed on plain paper, or maybe holiday letterhead, if my Mom was feeling fancy. I’m hoping to step up the game a bit for my and John’s debut, and am taking inspiration from these beauties I found around the internet:

By Amanda Jane Jones. Go here to see more angles!

Also by Amanda. More here!

By Aprile Elcich.

I’ll update you once ours is complete!

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November 7, 2012 9:35 am

I love this idea! I have never heard of it, or seen one, but I LOVE it! Awesome tradition!

November 7, 2012 9:50 am

Such a great idea! Love the examples!

November 9, 2012 3:44 pm

Hello Emily,

LOVE these!!! Haven’t ever seen something like this before, but they are so graphically gorgeous and such easy reads for friends to get a good snapshot of your year. Looks like an awesome tradition to start. Who is making it up for you? You or are you outsourcing? (I’d love to know where I could get something like this done… for “one day”).

On a side note, lovely blog. I pop in occasionally for ideas. A big congratulations on your recent wedding xx

November 12, 2012 2:06 am

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. Good luck with the designing!

November 13, 2012 3:27 pm

I truly love this idea!:) Definitely not up for it this year, but tucking it away as a future thought!

November 16, 2012 4:09 pm

Wow – I love this idea! I love the graphic take on a newsletter – I’m now thinking about creating something similar for our Christmas cards!

[…] Best Christmas Newletter Ideas from Modern Christmas newsletter Em for Marvelous. Source Image: Visit this site for details: […]