September 2016 goals

1 September 2016

I am really grateful for August!! It was just a good, good month, starting with our time in Connecticut, which felt slow and relaxed (and now, like it was a long time ago!), and ending with a string of at-home weekends with no big plans (a rarity this summer). June continues to be the most fun thing going, especially now that she’s crawling everywhere and obsessed with pulling up. There’s so much to look forward to in September, too, including more relaxing weekends and more adventures (and potentially welcoming three already-beloved friends + family babies into my life!!).

This verse has been constantly on my mind the past few weeks. Hoping y’all have much to be grateful for this month, too!

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Revisiting my goals for August:
Finish our June in June movie (last night! Coming soon to a blog near you :))
Try out a yoga class at the studio near our house
Go to an outdoor concert or movie
Relish our time in Connecticut (post here!)
Read at least one book (Garlic and Sapphires – it was great)
Book accommodations for our camping and Asheville trips (SO excited about camping, and our Asheville Airbnb looks amazing! Lots of fun adventures coming up!)
Master an updo from the Small Things archive
Finish our will

September goals:
— Run once a week (hoping this will be more enjoyable as the weather begins to cool down!)
— Plan well for and enjoy our camping trip
— Add the final layer to June’s nursery so I can call it complete
— Post my guide to the Triangle (have been wanting to do this for ages!!)
— Celebrate our four year wedding anniversary
— Resurrect my nighttime routine now that June is sleeping in the nursery

As a reminder, here are my 2016 guideposts. If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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September 1, 2016 8:22 am

How is four years here already?! Yay!!

September 1, 2016 9:31 am

That is such a sweet piece of scripture Emily! Your guide to the Triangle is likely to increase my desire for moving there all the more! :) My September goals can be found here:

September 1, 2016 10:57 am

September is such a great month for camping! :) And we’ll both be celebrating anniversaries this month! Yay!!

p.s. No luck on finishing the will, eh? It’s still on my list too – ha! :)

September 1, 2016 11:05 am

I love your guideposts and your reminder to ENJOY and be thankful. I posted my September goals this morning too:

It’s going to be a great month!

September 1, 2016 6:04 pm

Love that scripture, and happy four year anniversary to you! My September goals can be found here:

September 1, 2016 7:00 pm

I love this post! I made 23 goals for my 23rd year last month! I think it is so great to keep yourself accountable and to always be setting goals! I love the Bible verse that you included as well, I need to write that one down and mark it in my Bible, it is such a good reminder for day-to-day life!

Mariah|Two Dapper Dogs

September 2, 2016 10:39 pm

Finishing a will is just not a fun goal. haha I feel your pain! We just finished our living wills and there were like 187 things I would have rather done. haha

Here are my goals for September (September! Ahh! How is this happening?! But, yay for Fall!)