August Goals

1 August 2014

Holy moly, what a month! We celebrated John’s birthday, Natalie and Joe’s wedding, and then, to cap it off, our nephew was born earlier this week!!

I had to chuckle when I looked back at my July goals, because I said I was “keeping things simple to hopefully have a 100% success rate.” I clocked in at 80%, which I suppose is not so bad, but I feel like I actually got even more done last month than my list implies, so I’m pleased!


July goal recap:
Install a rain barrel. (It recently occurred to me we could buy one for less on Craiglist… have started the search.)
Finish taking house photos and post tour. (Photos are finished! Tour should go up next week!)
Finalize and print last third of household maintenance doc.
Clean out our “art storage room” – hang everything we like and organize/donate/sell/get rid of the rest.
Pick blueberries. (We tried several times, but farms were always closed or picked out!)
Celebrate John’s birthday! Among other things, we went to Bida Manda in Raleigh, and it was delicious!

August goals:
— Sort pile in small bedroom. (When we moved to NC we didn’t know how long we’d be here. Once it became clear we had moved for the long haul, I began sorting through my childhood bedroom on trips home, deciding what to keep and what to toss. The unsorted pile finally got small enough that it could be packed into several suitcases and boxes, which were trucked down by my parents and deposited rather unceremoniously in our spare bedroom last month. Now I need to make keep/sell/donate/toss piles and take action on them.)
— Plant a few hardy bananas against our backyard fence.
— Make a trip to the Ballard Designs outlet and possibly buy a bed, if the one we’re interested in is there.
— Get our summer dinner party on the calendar.
— Make plans for our two year anniversary!

Considering we’ll be in Maine for over a week this month and I have an additional work trip, I think that’s quite enough! I would love to take a peek at your monthly goals if you posted them!

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August 1, 2014 8:57 am

I am excited to see your house tour! Maine is lovely this time of year. I live in southern NH and like to visit Kennebunkport and Ogunquit in the summertime. My church held our youth ministry retreat in upstate Maine for the past two years and it is absolutely beautiful there too.

August 1, 2014 9:58 am

July sounded like a busy month, indeed! I’m also excited to see what your summer dinner party looks like – I threw a small one over the weekend & had a blast. Here are my monthly goals:

August 5, 2014 4:25 pm

I loved your house photos! I made a note to myself to take photos of our home each year to track all the changes, imperfections and all. Thanks for the inspiration on that! Since you asked, here are my goals for this month! All the best, D :)