House Tour 2014: Upstairs

7 August 2014

Welcome back to our happy home! :) If you missed it, here’s the downstairs. Even though, as you’ll see, many of the upstairs rooms are far from finished, I wanted to include them in this year’s tour for comparison’s sake. I know they will change drastically in the years to come!

Let’s head up the stairs…

The Stairs:


We painted the hallway and the loft Benjamin Moore “Whispering Spring” colormatched to Behr No VOC in eggshell. I like how the pale blue peeks into the downstairs! We also switched out the pendant light and hung a favorite watercolor (love those wood Threshold frames from Target). I’m planning to convert the newel post to a squarer design, but YHL has mentioned that they’re going to take on a similar project so I’m waiting for their instructions :)

The Loft:








I like that our upstairs “hallway” is really just a big, open space. I’ve claimed the loft as my workroom (and lovingly refer to it as Tinsel Town). Though we generally try to keep our home simplified and clutter-free, my prop and party collection is the exception – it’s kind of part of my job, and definitely my weakness. I’d love to add another wire shelf to keep things organized. We also have some art waiting to be hung.

The Small Bedroom


You might think this is a “before” photo, bless you, but sadly, it is not. Remember that pile I referenced in my August goals? Here it is. (Why yes, that is a gigantic Irish dance trophy on the right, thank you very much.) Looking forward to getting it sorted! Otherwise, this room will probably stay mostly empty until it turns into another guest room or a kid’s room down the line.

The Guest Room:







Our guest bedroom is probably the most “finished” room in the whole house, and we’re quite pleased with it! I’m particularly proud of the bed, which we bought for $100 at the flea market and I refinished. The pineapple lamp was also a flea market find, and also repainted by me. I’d love to add a low dresser and a comfy chair down the line.

The Blue Room:



Since this room, too, is still waiting for its ultimate purpose, we’ve left it pretty much as-is in the meantime. The stripes came with the house, and the sheets were mine from childhood.

There is also a bathroom upstairs, but we have not done anything to it, and I actually forgot to photograph it :)

The Back Yard:





Disclaimer: These photos were the first I took for this home tour, back in June, so our yard doesn’t look quite this green right now! Since moving in, we’ve planted some bulbs, an azalea, two peonies (from roots, so they’re still quite small), and two elephant ears. We’ve also overseeded the grass, and built the raised bed, John’s pride and joy. Like the kitchen, we’ve dreamt about some larger-scale (and larger-budget) changes we could make, but we’re not sure how much we want to put in given our time horizon and goals. Our focus right now is to create a little more privacy, so we’d like to demo the current deck and replace it with some sort of patio, and add more plantings along the fence.

Thanks for all your kind comments, friends!! Excited to see what changes the next year will bring!

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August 7, 2014 7:27 am

Love the tour! I especially love the coral quilted pillows in your guest bedroom. I know you said you have a long way to go in there but they really make the room feel decorated. Keep it up!

xo Rachel

August 7, 2014 8:59 am

So cute! I love when people take their time decorating and getting things just “so.” It makes it so much more realistic and then you get to do things exactly how you like. Y’all should call the guest bedroom the “Magnolia Room” because of all the artwork. It would sound so fancy if you could tell a guest that’s where they’re sleeping. hehe :)

August 7, 2014 9:09 am

Did you make the roman shade in your guest room or buy it somewhere? I love it!

August 7, 2014 12:01 pm

I love that you took photos of your home even if not everything is done yet. That’s the way we actually live! I am so guilty of looking at Pinterest and magazines and thinking “someday I hope my house looks like that” instead of loving exactly how it looks right now. Hugs and blessings!

August 8, 2014 9:32 am

I, of course, love your workroom/Tinsel Town! Your entire home is comfortable-feeling and beautiful, and I’m so glad you shared it – even though it’s not “perfect” yet!!

August 9, 2014 8:52 am

The wall color in the loft is beautiful! I’m swooning over your prop and party collection too :)

August 16, 2015 10:08 pm

Could you tell me what color paint was used in your guest room?

September 12, 2015 9:00 pm

Could you tell me what color you painted the bed in your guest room?