Driftwood Hearts

1 September 2009

Spotted these driftwood hearts on the Sugarboo Designs site and am now dreaming of a pair of them for the corner of my living room. I like how they could trend modern or rustic depending on how you used them and what you paired them with. I also, apparently, have a thing for oversize hearts at the moment, as I fell in love with the gigantic cookie cutters (?!) dotting Christy and Christian’s recent wedding, shot by Jose Villa. See more of their gorgeous celebration on his blog here.

P.S. Happy September! It’s always been my favorite month.

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May 11, 2010 6:31 pm

I have just come across the hearts featured on your lovely blog, just to let you know I design and make these hearts and use to sell them to sugarboo. Have a look at my site and you might like the other pieces I make. http://www.devondriftwooddesigns.com..
So happy you like them.
All the best Karen x