Ten marvelous years

26 September 2018

Friends, ten years ago to the day I wrote my first ever blog post. You can still view it here, just like every other post I’ve written since — posts about weddings, mostly, at first. A heck of a lot of inspiration boards. Little bits of lovely before Pinterest came along. Funny DIYs :)

And then, here and there, a more personal post. Longer ones. A few poems, so close to my heart. A new name and site design.

A turning point. Another one. Another one.

A passion project begun. Scary posts to write and sad ones and the most joyful. So many adventures, so many anniversaries, so many goals.

Posts on this blog have changed my life. Some of you have been kind enough to write that they’ve changed yours, too.

Graham Terhune

Sneak peek of our newborn session with Graham! :)

Even aside from catapulting blog posts, a lot changes in a decade. You’ve graciously watched me become a college graduate, a North Carolinian, an editor, a first-time-apartment dweller, a fiancee, a wife, a homeowner, a person-who’s-been-to-Europe, a mama, and a mama again. And all along the way, writing this blog has not only been a place to capture those changes, but a cause of them.

Because before I was any of those things, I was a writer. Writing is the way I’ve processed, held myself accountable, and grown since I was young. Writing is a way of becoming, for me. “In the end, people don’t view their life as merely the average of all of its moments — which, after all, is mostly nothing much plus some sleep,” wrote Atul Gawande in Being Mortal. “For human beings, life is meaningful because it is a story.” Yes.

life is meaningful quote

I have shared many times about the importance of the narratives we create and believe about ourselves. Writing here invites me to make meaning out of my days, to decide what I believe about the things I do and the things that happen to me, the person I was and the person I am becoming. That person matters. She shapes generations. (You, of course, do as well.)

So yes, writing this blog matters deeply to me. This is my story I’m telling, but it’s not just me. It’s mostly my parents. It’s a whole lot my high school English teacher. It’s a heaping portion of John. It’s every wise, kind, talented, thoughtful person I’ve ever come in contact with. And it’s all God.

Roald Dahl quote

I hope that you have found something here over the last ten years that has made your life better, and allowed you to be better for other people. I know that I am better for writing here, and for being accountable to you all. If nothing else, blogging has kept the shine in my glittering eyes, seeing magic everywhere I least expect it, and that is a marvelous way to go through life.

Finally, friends, thank you for reading. I began addressing my posts to “friends” in the beginning because it just seemed like that’s what people did. Now when I write “friends,” I picture real people who have encouraged, inspired, and challenged me, even if we’ve never met in person. You all bless me greatly. To ten more years together!

P.S. The history of this blog, and one of my favorite quotes about blogging ever.

P.P.S. I have a MASSIVE anniversary thank you giveaway to share tomorrow – you will not want to miss it!!!

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September 26, 2018 7:03 am

Wow, 10 years! How wonderful : ) ! I’ve loved reading all your posts, it’s always a great morning when I see there is a new one. Thank you for sharing your life with us! You offer so much valuable insight and fun into our lives!

September 26, 2018 9:58 am

Happy 10 years! Have loved reading with you for.. wow, I think around 7! :) If I had to guess what the title of your first post was.. there is NO way I would have guessed it! HA!!!

Kelly Strawberry
September 26, 2018 12:51 pm

Yay for 10 years of blogging! Congrats! That is dedication. I very much enjoy your blog and insights, and appreciate the consistency of new content every few days!

September 26, 2018 2:12 pm

Happy ten years, Emily!! Your blog is one of my absolute favorites because you always keep it so real, and your writing is divine. Cheers to ten more years!

September 26, 2018 3:15 pm

Congratulations on 10 years! I am a longtime reader, though I don’t often comment. Thanks for being a calm, joyful influence with the words you share. :-)

September 26, 2018 3:18 pm

Congratulations!! When comparing your posts from a decade ago to now it’s obvious how much you have grown as a person and writer, which is so cool! When I am stuck in my own blog writing I just have to remember that the only was to have a catalogue of amazing work is to simply keep writing, as you have. Thanks for sharing and for inspiring me!

September 26, 2018 4:40 pm

10 years of your meaningful, merry, marvelous words shared with so many people who were (and are) longing for your wisdom and insights – what a wonderful reason to celebrate! I have loved so many of your posts over the years, and am always excited to check in to a new one. Your conversations about money, goals, confidence, and how you do life are always inspirational and are posts I often refer back to long after you hit publish. Congratulations on this milestone, I can’t wait to see what’s to come!

September 26, 2018 7:01 pm

You will always be my favorite blogger (the only one I read)! I praise Him for this formerly-Peach-and-Pearl blog—it served to write the most beautiful story in my life, too. I love you dearly, EAT!

September 26, 2018 8:31 pm

I love you so much. And I am pretty sure I just opened every hyperlink into a new tab :) Happy blogging anniversary my friend!

September 27, 2018 6:20 am

This is marvelous! I am incredibly thankful for the gift that your writing has been to my life. I’ve been a faithful reader for nearly five years but I’ve so enjoyed your archives to catch me up on prior content – it’s all just so good! Thank you for sharing your heart with the world, and cheers to many more years to come! :)

September 27, 2018 9:13 am

Of all the blogs, books, podcasts, etc. that I consume, yours is my favorite Emily. I don’t know you personally but I feel as though I am your friend from the wonderfully open way you share your life and experiences here. And you don’t just do it to share you do it to help and inspire. I’m also financially enchanted… I was going to write obsessed but that sounded negative… and I love your approach to money.

Of all the things you’ve shared, I have benefitted most from your outlook on time and not saying it’s flying by but savoring each moment. My son is 20 months old now and I have tried my best to appreciate every minute of his amazing life.

Keep doing what you’re doing because you are an inspiration to me and to many others!

With love,


September 27, 2018 10:51 am

Happy 10 years, Emily! I unexpectedly teared up while reading this. Thank you for being such an encouragement and inspiration to this stranger friend.


September 27, 2018 2:31 pm

Beautifully written, as always :-) I just love your blog. Congrats on 10 years of writing! Here is to many more!!

September 28, 2018 6:40 am

Happiest ten years!! You make the world a more marvelous place just by being in it, but I’m grateful that your blog extends that to people you don’t know personally and people who don’t see you as often as they would like to (hand raised :)). Love you dearly, Em!

Sela Vaughn
October 1, 2018 5:33 pm

Happy blog-a-versary! I’ve been a reader for probably the last 4 years and I love how you share your heart in this space. So many blogs focus on chasing the next shiny new thing or trend, but this one has both breadth and depth. I am most thankful to have found it. Your focus is on the important parts of life and inspires us all to lean into being intentional with the time we are given. Having had the chance to meet you when we were living in NC, I’m also happy to know that you are as kind in person as you appear on this blog. Thanks for being genuine and encouraging. Cheers to the next 10 years!