Say hello to John Shepherd Thomas!

7 August 2018

Friends, this is our sweet John Shepherd! He arrived one week ago today, on Tuesday, July 31 at 12:06pm. He was a bit longer and skinnier than June, measuring 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 inches long. We will call him Shepherd or Shep :)

Our prayer throughout this pregnancy was for a healthy delivery, a healthy baby, and a healthy mama. We graciously received all three, and have been delighted by God’s goodness to us in all things since then. Shep is a dream, June has been the best big sister and most patient girl, and John — well, as always, he makes it all possible and everything more fun. I can’t wait to share more, especially about his name – hopefully later this week!

Thank you, as always, for all of your love, friends! We love you!

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August 7, 2018 6:41 am

Congratulations!! Welcome to an amazing family Shepherd. Em, your gratitude is infectious. Thank you for never taking life and health for granted.

August 8, 2018 11:08 am
Reply to  Emily

Couldn’t have said it better myself, the love for life (of all stages!) is so evident!

August 7, 2018 9:51 am

Congratulations again beautiful Thomas family – little Shep is just too precious! What a blessing from our Jesus above x

Kelly Strawberry
August 7, 2018 9:55 am

Congratulations!!! Welcome baby Shep! Cannot wait to hear more thoughts. Wishing you lots of joy and love over these next few weeks transitioning to a family of 4!

Bethany Howe
August 7, 2018 12:09 pm

Congratulations!! One of my friends growing up had a little brother named Shep. :) What a cutie! I’m happy to hear you all are doing well, enjoy this sweet time together!

August 8, 2018 1:38 pm

Congratulations! So thrilled for you guys! He’s beautiful :)