Toddler favorites at twenty one months

16 November 2017

Many of you requested June’s wish list or a June gift guide when I asked for your input, so before we get into gift guides proper for 2017, I thought I’d offer up another installment in my Baby Favorites series! Except now it’s a Toddler Favorites series!! (Sniff, sniff!)

Here are a few things June, John, and I have been loving lately, many of which would make great gifts for the toddlers in your life…

— So we don’t actually have a Cozy Coupe, but our neighbors do, and June makes a beeline for it whenever we go outside. Thankfully, they very graciously share!

— Once we outgrew the utensils featured here, we replaced them with this Ikea set. (I bought ours on Amazon since we don’t have an Ikea nearby!)

— June’s aunt and uncle gave her this stroller for Christmas last year, and it’s been a hit ever since! She likes to push stuffed animals around in it, and I like that the design is simple :)

— June wore these shoes pretty much every day this summer. The only downside is that they can kind of start to smell after awhile, but a quick spin in the washer takes care of that!

— June loves to flip through books in her very own chair, a birthday gift from my parents.

— Since switching schools we are now packing a lunch every day, and I couldn’t resist this unicorn thermos!! Too cute!

— We just flew for the first time with our car seat, and this travel bag kept it safe and sound (and clean!).

— We have one of these bento boxes for packing lunches, and I love it! Hoping to get a second one for Christmas so we’re not washing the one we have every single night.

— As June’s legs have gotten longer, car kick mats have become a necessity. These are basic and do the job.

— We haven’t started potty training yet but bought this simple potty to ease her into the idea. She is a big fan of sitting on it, often fully clothed :)

— Once she saw her cousins using water bottles this summer, it was all over for the sippy cups. (For a time — thankfully she’s back to tolerating them!) This colorful bottle satisfies all her big girl dreams.

— Three favorite books in the rotation right now: Peekaboo Wild, Good Night, Gorilla, and Sheep Go to Sleep.

P.S. I will be posting an additional gift guide for kids, including a few items on June’s wish list!

Past family favorites:
The first six weeks
Five months
Eight months
One year
Fifteen months

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November 16, 2017 8:11 am

Beau was actually gifted TWO cozy coupes for his 1st birthday (ironically both from my divorced parents who haven’t talked in years) and he’s so in love!!! His favorite part is getting in and out of the car, something I remember my niece LOVED doing at his age as well. Wish we could easily send over one of our coupes to sweet June.. for now it lives at Ben’s parents house for him to enjoy when he’s there too, haha!