December 2016 goals

1 December 2016

As I hoped it would be, November was full of so much love — and, lucky me, December looks to be the same way. From a quick work trip to Sea Island that the J’s get to accompany me on to another epic road trip for a Connecticut Christmas (this time overnight – hold me) to a brunch reunion planned with all of our high school friends, I am grateful. But you know what the best kind of love is? A tiny baby who came to love all of us two thousand years ago, so that we could love others. I’m making sinking that into my heart the priority this month, even as I work on the goals below!

P.S. I love using the PowerSheets to track my professional goals (and sometimes personal ones, too – I shared a little bit about my process last year). The 2017 workbook is truly awesome!


Revisiting my goals for November:
Make reservations for June’s baptism celebration
Buy June’s baptism gift
Choose our outfits for family photos (sneak peek above!)
Finish our will
Post my guide to the Triangle (more progress has been made! :))
Begin crafting for June’s birthday party! (Started a brainstorming doc, bought some supplies on Black Friday, and designed the invitations last night!)

December goals:
— Design and print our Christmas newsletter + send out our Christmas cards with love (and personal notes!)
— Send invitations for J’s first birthday party (!)
Give away as much as we spend on Christmas gifts in our church’s Christmas Eve offering
— Love on our trash and recycling guys, my post office peeps, and June’s teachers. (Homemade toffee will likely be in the mix.)
— Finish our will (This is it, people. Really. It’s happening. It is.)
— Go out to dinner with John for our 2016 review + celebration
— Have lots and lots of fun celebrating Christmas with our families and friends in Connecticut

As a reminder, here are my 2016 guideposts. If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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December 1, 2016 8:00 am

Haha! ;) You’ve got this!! This is the month!!!

Love how intentional you are about loving others this month and remembering the reason for the season, sweet Em! You are an inspiration! xo!

December 1, 2016 1:06 pm

My husband and I are newly married and decided to give away as much as we spend this Christmas based on your past inspiring blog post about this very topic. Thank you for giving us a new family tradition that will likely become our most meaningful!

December 1, 2016 5:32 pm
Reply to  Maria

Wow, Maria!! That’s amazing! Wishing you a joyful first married Christmas!

December 1, 2016 3:55 pm

Thank you for sharing these, Emily! I love how intentional you are- it inspiring to me. By the way, I loved the ornament exchange with your husband idea so much that I decided we are going to start doing it! We already collect ornaments every time we take a trip somewhere, and it is so fun to look at our tree and see all of our travels represented.

Here are my goals:

December 1, 2016 5:44 pm
Reply to  Heather

So fun, Heather!! We collect ornaments from travel, too, but some trips have proved harder than others!

December 1, 2016 9:11 pm

Homemade toffee is such a great idea for all the sweet people!!

December 2, 2016 10:21 am

I shared the idea of Christmas giving with Dillon last night. It’s such a generous way to end the year! :) My December goals are posted here :)

December 4, 2016 3:00 pm

Still smiling after reading that you call John & June “the Js!” So adorable!