Oh, My Deer!

20 October 2008

What lovely hair accessories I spied this morning over at Snippet & Ink! The designer, Chelsea, has an Etsy shop where she sells her dreamy flower and feather fantasies. My favorite part? Each piece is christened with a name straight out of the past:

Miss Betty

Miss Doris

Miss Irene

Miss Lucille

Miss Phyllis

Best of all, Snippet & Ink is hosting a giveaway – one hairpiece to one lucky reader! Check out all the designs on Chelsea’s blog, then comment with your favorite on Kathryn’s post before Wednesday at midnight. The randomly selected winner will be announced on Friday!

And if you haven’t yet been introduced to the glory that is Snippet & Ink, be sure to spend some time checking out the months and months of out-of-control gorgeousness that are Kathryn’s inspiration boards. A warning: you just might find yourself completely rethinking your wedding color palette, or be suddenly struck by an urge to redesign your house top to bottom – her combinations are that convincing.

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