Better Homes & Gardens May Issue

27 April 2011

Just like the January issue, I was a huge fan of Better Homes & Gardens May offering. My favorite features? Undeniably Jenny and Will Stegall’s home, with its textured neutrals, updated classic styling, and pretty shades of green…

…and Sherry Hart’s light and bright Atlanta home, which reinvigorated my love for vintage treasure hunting and blue hues (as if they needed invigorating…).

Are you a BHG fan? What was your favorite part of the May issue?

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April 27, 2011 1:21 pm

The top two pictures of the first one and all the pictures from the second one are what I want the basement to be like!

Becka Robinson
April 28, 2011 3:30 am

I've really been loving neutrals and green or navy recently. I don't know what it is. Those homes are so lovely and breezy.

Isle of View
April 28, 2011 4:48 am

I was going to blog this house (Jenny Stegall's) too!!! It was my absolutely favorite because it looks so perfect and yet so live-able. I love homes that use a perfect mix of neutrals and colors as well as practical touches. The toadstool cushions are absolutely perfect.

I also loved the front cover decor with the lace covered pot.