Christmas CD Swap!

19 November 2010

As a preface, I must admit I am embarrassingly excited about this announcement, so bear with me!

There are a lot of swaps in the blogosphere at Christmas time, and, having participated in quite a few, I can vouch for the fact that they’re quite fun! I’ve participated in both Southern Weddings‘ ornament swap and Brooklyn Bride’s card swap in the past.

What I haven’t seen is a Christmas CD swap! And, as an intense lover of Christmas music (though never before Thanksgiving, for sure), I felt compelled to organize my own. Want to participate? Please say yes!

If you’d like to join in, send an email to peachandpearl at ymail dot com with “Christmas CD Swap” in the subject line by Friday, November 26 (the day after Thanksgiving). Include your name, address, email address, and website/blog address, if you have one. Feel free to spread the Christmas music joy to friends and family — I want as many people to participate as possible!

By Wednesday, December 1, I will have emailed you the names and addresses of up to 4 people to swap custom mixes with. Traditional, indie, peppy, or pop selections — the choice is up to you! I’m sure I don’t have to say this to all you sweet and lovely readers, but let’s keep the lyrics clean!

All CDs should be mailed out by Wednesday, December 8, giving everyone plenty of time to enjoy their holiday tunes before the new year.

A final note: please don’t sign up if you don’t intend to follow through! That would make me and your swap partners very sad.

Any questions? Leave them below or shoot me an email! Eeeeeee I’m so excited!!!

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November 19, 2010 1:59 pm

Such a great idea! Love love love it!!! Sending you an email now!!!

November 19, 2010 2:11 pm

Ahhhh I'm so excited, too!!

November 19, 2010 5:23 pm

sounds like so much fun!! I'm sending my email right away too. Do you know if Southern Weddings is doing the ornament swap again this year?

November 19, 2010 6:07 pm

Yes, they are! Intro post should go up early next week :)

brooke @ claremont road
December 8, 2010 11:10 pm

I received my first CD today… can't wait to listen!!