Netflix queue

6 May 2010

What’s on your Netflix queue? J and I share one, which means that we’re as likely to have an old black and white romance (me) or a random nature documentary (him) as we are a feature film. But these are some of the picks I’m most looking forward to in the coming weeks (or months… we’re kind of slow!).

500 Days of Summer (I’ve heard Zooey Deschanel’s fashion is amazing); The September Issue (I’m always game for a peek into the world of magazine publishing); Memoirs of a Geisha (loved the book, have been wanting to see the movie for about five years now)

Slumdog Millionaire (love Indian music, hence I’m pretty sure I’ll love this movie. Am worried about it being devastatingly sad??); Mad Men (period details. Enough said.); Young Victoria (the Oscar buzz piqued my interest, and I’m always a sucker for the English monarchy)

Atonement (read the book, am curious about they will have adapted it for the screen); An Education (see: Oscar buzz); Fantastic Mr. Fox (this was my absolute favorite Roald Dahl book growing up, and I love both George Clooney and Meryl Streep. Hope it doesn’t disappoint!)

Would love to hear your recommendations! Or, if you’ve seen any of these and think we shouldn’t bother, would love to hear that, too!

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Shelly @littlemrsdoitall
May 6, 2010 5:46 pm

MUST….John Adams mini series! SO good and educational to boot. But I will say Mad Men will have you HOOKED! You won't want to watch anything else when you start.

ever ours
May 6, 2010 6:13 pm

love your line up, esp the young victoria, 500 days, and mad men!

May 6, 2010 6:42 pm

Did you know the September issue is available on Netflix instant? Or at least it was a few weeks ago. That's how I watched it and I LOVED it. It was so good.

You just inspired me to add Fantastic Mr. Fox and Young Victoria to my queue as well. I'm always looking for movies to add but I seem to have such a hard time coming up with good options. I think I might write a similar post on my own blog :)

May 7, 2010 12:48 am

Jenna: YES I did see that The September Issue is on instant — so exciting! Now I either have to convince J to watch it with me or find an evening to watch it alone.

Shelly: You're so right about John Adams — J just read the book (loved it), and is very excited for it to come up in the queue.

Meredith Perdue
May 7, 2010 12:37 pm

Emily, you're going to LOVE The September Issue! I watched it with my boyfriend, Michael, and thought he would hate it, but, surprisingly, he loved it too! It's just so fascinating!