Outdoor summer movies

31 May 2011

Do y’all have somewhere near you that shows outdoor summer movies? We do, and I love them! The Koka Booth Ampitheatre in Cary, NC is such a beautiful space. The grounds are very well kept up, and it’s right by a lake, so there’s a cool breeze on even the hottest nights (a huge relief in the Carolina heat!). They show recently released movies on most Thursdays in the summer for just $3 a ticket! John and I went to see The Social Network on Thursday.

One of my favorite parts? They let you bring in food and coolers, but they also have a neat row of independent vendors selling treats if you don’t feel like packing it in. We brought cobb salad from home, effectively checking off two items on my summer to do list in one go.

Locals, check out the rest of the summer’s movie schedule here!

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