Pleased to make your acquaintance

12 July 2016

There’s always a bit of nervousness when introducing someone new to the Island, because it’s so very close to my heart and my family’s heart. It’s a different sort of place, and it’s not right for everyone, which makes it all the more rewarding when the guests that do come understand that uniqueness, and love it, too.


Last week I had the joy of making one of the most special Island introductions ever, to my daughter. The week wasn’t perfect — it didn’t have to be. That wasn’t the goal. I just wanted her to love it in her own way, and despite a nasty cold and only being six months old, I think she did :)


Swinging at the playground, riding in the boat, taking walks, meeting family (SO MUCH FAMILY), singing songs, grinning at her big cousin Tegan, taking a million baths to try to loosen the snot (ha!), reading books, rolling around on the grass, getting cuddled by everyone… it was a good week.


The neat thing is that since we usually only go to Maine once a year, our experience with June next year will be quite different! She’ll be walking and talking and eating solid food!



My parents made sure that I got the chance to go to this Island every year of my life, and I hope to do the same for June. I can only hope she gets as much joy, peace, and character formation out of it as I have. I can’t wait for all the adventures in store at our special place :)


Up next: a few tips from our epic road trip!

P.S. Maine 2015 and a little Maine film

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July 12, 2016 10:31 am

These photos make my heart happy. :) How wonderful that you are carrying on this special tradition for your daughter!

July 12, 2016 8:22 pm

Everything about this is so close to my heart, Em.

July 13, 2016 3:49 pm

That last pic made me gasp!

July 15, 2016 11:27 am

I love all of the pictures of this special place, especially the one of June and Tegan. So happy for your whole family!

July 16, 2016 9:29 am

Very sweet!

July 18, 2016 12:39 pm

The best place on Earth! And that picture of June and Tegan is priceless.

July 20, 2016 11:35 am

Your family is so sweet, Em! I feel lucky to know you three.

[…] are meals that go with certain places and events, too. At the Island, we have Mrs. Beisiegel’s Casserole, Southern hash, and shepherd’s pie. At Christmas […]